View Full Version : I need Help! Lucid Dream or Projection??

2nd June 2008, 09:53 PM
Hello all, iv been tryin to astral project for a few weeks now on and off. my first to nights when i was tryin I had really intense vibrations and very loud noises that distracted me and woke me back up. Now i know you have to push through that. but since then when iv been trying I havnt really had them vibrations i just went right into a kind of lucid dream but im not really sure if it is or not. anyways in this state i always think i want to travel out of this world and i start to fly and i only make it a little ways up and i can never go higher then this world. this happend to me last night and it made me mad i couldnt fly any higher so i looked up in the sky and i seen a star out there and all of a sudden i made it come very close 2 earth then all of a sudden the people around me got mad I brought that planet so close so then i wanted to go back 2 sleeping body but it wouldnt let me return for a little while but eventually i woke up. i figure it was a lucid dream. I am wondering if anyone here can tell me how to turn a lucid dream into a astral projection? and also even if I do start to astral project where do you have to picture your self going? Iv never seen any of that stuff to my knowledge so i wouldnt know where to try and go. Before i go 2 sleep i do color brething and imagin its energy and i see it going right into the chakras, i do this for about 15 min or so. then i use my imaginary hands to raise energy through my feet into all my chakras for about 10-15 min. then i just try 2 keep my mind awake while i go to sleep. this is how i started to feel vibrations my first 2 times of trying, but now it seems like it just gives me lucid dreams almost everynight. thx for anyhelp :wink:

3rd June 2008, 06:18 PM
It seems to me you were indeed projecting into the etheric. APs to the etheric are usually 'shorter term' than APs into the astral planes, and usually require a different approach. If you had 'beings' not letting you get as far as you wanted this tells me you were not ready to go to the next level. The next time you project and find yourself hindered, ask your guides or Highe Self to take you to the astral planes- they will, according to what you're ready for.

3rd June 2008, 07:13 PM
thx for the info, it was pretty short term, felt like maybe 5-10 min. btw the beings were not holding me back i dont believe. I knew who a few of them were but its like when i went to fly up i went up maybe about 1000 feet then it just wouldnt let me go any farther and i fell back to the ground but it didnt hurt at all, then i seen a bunch of stars up in the sky and one was blinking so i looked at it and i thought i wanted to see it then instantly it appeared right by earth and it was alot bigger then earth and i could tell it was another planet like earth but sum of the colors were diffrent then i got a feelin of people feeling uneasy about that planet being so close to earth and i think they were mad or something so thats when i wanted to wake up and it took a few min then i did. I like your tip though on asking a guide to take me to the higher planes im going to have to remember that. do you have any advice to turn a Lucid dream into a Projection? it seems to me like i can have Lucid dreams quite often, i found this technique where you sleep for 3 hours stay up for 2 then go back to sleep and focus before you go back to sleep and it helps you project easier but for me it helps me have lucid dreams pretty much each time i do it.

3rd June 2008, 09:54 PM
To turn a LD into a projection what I usually do is ask to be back in my body, and as soon as I feel myself 'in' I separate and have an RTZ projection (etheric).
I have had those 'other planet' projections with diff. colors before, and have come to think that they're actually other planes, because of their symbolic content.

4th June 2008, 07:57 AM
nice, thx man im def gonna have to try that out

7th July 2008, 08:33 AM
Wow this is freakin crazy.. I was just watchin this video on youtube and they were talking about 2012 and about this 10th star that is suppoce 2 be in our solar system and how they believe in 2012 this planet called nibiru will come close to earth and possible hit a planet around here and mess our solar system up. Well they show a picture of this planet and right away i was in shock, that looked just like the planet i seen in my lucid team, and i find it strange that in my dream once i pulled this planet close 2 earth everyone got mad. This is my first time ever seeing a picture of this planet. Also this is around the same time i asked about that 2012 the end question in the OBE forum so it was on my mind. If u want to c the video i just found heres a link http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8990127&q= (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1315770830018990127&q=)[hist]%20the%20universe&hl=en

7th July 2008, 04:49 PM
For whatever this is worth (obviously you'll believe what you want to believe) The reason for the early idea that there was another planet was investigated and disproven, or at least the initial observations by astronomers as to why there were apparent anomalies in the gravitational field of the outside of the solar system were studied and found to be caused by other structures that were not initially taken into account.
The link for that is in one of the many many 2012 threads we have. ATM I don't have the energy to look.

7th July 2008, 07:49 PM
Well its kind of funny that when this story was first picked up in the early 80's like 8 diff newspapers picked up the story then later on they made them drop the story without any reason why. and the sammarians mention this other planet many times and they knew our solar system thousands or years before anyone else, which people over here still believed the world was flat and the universe revolved around the earth. It explains the story in the bible about the fallen angels making love with women here on earth. It obvisouly could not be real angels, they wouldnt have any sexual organs. This planet X should be visible within the next few years its already on its way here. Im really starting to believe i had a dream of the future. When i was in my lucid dream i didnt choose that star to look at, I looked up in the sky and this was the star that was shinning brightly so i wanted to see it and it was a planet that looked just like planet X, then people get mad once it comes so close 2 earth. I was not being influenced by anything i was just standing there observing everything i saw. Also i was not in some crazy dream world, i was actually in my dads backyard.

7th July 2008, 07:56 PM
A lot of what we call the Old Testament comes from old Sumerian texts regarding to their religion and history, (like the Noah's Ark story, for example) so I'm not sure how that explains anything.
Anyway, Nibiru was forecasted to become visible in 2003 and it didn't happen. Every time the deadline comes for its return, nothing happens and no one even acknowledges it.
Whether it exists or not is not the issue, anyway. The issue is that we have lots of threads about 2012, and I would like people to use them for their 2012 discussions, to keep the repeating the same discussions over and over to a minimum.

7th July 2008, 08:17 PM
Only reason why i posted this here was because I posted my lucid dream here, and once i seen that planet last night it reminded me of it. I find it kind of weird that the color could of been anything in my imagination but it just happend to be the same color as the planet in question. And the fact iv never seen this planet before until last night. I guess we will have to wait and see, I believe i may of got the answer to my own question and theres no changing whats going to happen so live as happy as can be. peace n love

7th July 2008, 09:44 PM
Same to you.