View Full Version : Moving from Astral to Real-Time Zone

1st June 2008, 02:03 AM
I've read of many ways to get from the Real-Time to the Astral (anything from simply stumbling into it, creating a door and opening it, moving through a mirror...), but what are some good ways to get to the Real-Time Zone from the Astral?

Neil Templar
1st June 2008, 11:10 PM
try asking for it?

Aunt Clair
2nd June 2008, 02:43 AM
To re enter your own space ie your bedroom or your home just think about it , find your fave chair or walk into your hall .But stay away from the body itself as we tend to be pulled back in . To enter the space of another link with them in Astral by calling them , visualising them and sending energy to them , then ask for permission to follow them back to their space .