View Full Version : A great day to dream?

30th May 2008, 05:25 PM
The "Shared Projection" thread I read earlier gave me an idea that I wanted to throw at you guys here. I've been keeping a dream diary of the most significant ones and I always look up what was happening astrologically at the time of that dream and I went back through recently and listed which planets were in aspect to which next to each entry. In each instance Neptune figured prominently and in most cases (the more extraordinary dreams) had key aspects between Neptune & the Sun, Neptune & Chiron, Neptune & Jupiter.

In case you aren't familiar with what the planets are associated with they're basically this:
- Neptune is associated with dreams
- Sun is the largest, most influential body in our solar system so anything in aspect to it is major
- Chiron (the wounded healer) associated with psychic ability as well as healing potential
- Jupiter is the largest of the planets and is associated with making events happen in a big way, an accentuator if you will

So I've been thinking about this in relationship with astral projection and thought - why don't I find out which days in the future would be class A days to do this on and hopefully with great results. So I found a site that had the plaentary aspects for 2008 and then pulled a birth chart for the days that had an aspect between these planets to Neptune in them.

Here's what I came up with:
June 13th - not particularly a class A day, but there was a trine aspect to Venus (venus is associated with beauty)
June 14th - A definite class A day, Sun will be trine Neptune as well as trine to Chiron and Venus is still trine neptune that day as well.

Maybe we all should attempt OBE on those days (particularly the 14th) and see if this has any results for us? It would be interesting to see if this produces any results particularly for those that have only achieved spontaneous projection.

Getting back to that "shared projection" subject, on the day I had mine these were the aspects:
- Sun Trine Neptune & Chiron
- Jupiter Sextile Neptune & Chiron
- Neptune Conjunct Chiron

13th June 2008, 11:43 AM
Anyone going to give this a try? Let me know if you do! 8)

13th June 2008, 03:06 PM
This may be good for me because I tend to project a few days before the full moon and here it's getting shiny now. (Last night it was really bright). Now to remember to try...

16th June 2008, 12:26 PM
I came VERY VERY close to conscious OBE friday night. The vibrations were very intense. I just could not for the life of me lift out.. I think I was trying too hard!!!

But anyway a step closer then maybe! Oh well.

19th June 2008, 07:36 PM
Thank you Alex. That is exactly what happend, "Wow!" and next thing I know the window of opportunity had closed. I could've kicked myself! :lol:

I WILL relax next time! :)

19th June 2008, 07:46 PM
I have to comment that the perception that vibrations are windows of opportunity that open and close at the start and end of them is erroneous. You can exit long after vibrations have stopped, and in my case I usually exited minutes after they had stopped. So as long as you can maintain the trance state you can continue any exit technique you want or even get up, provided you didn't wake up.
Too many people become dissappointed when they stop and think they've failed, when the fact is that vibrations are squirmy things, in the sense of they don't always pinpoint the 'right' state for exit. They're just an indicator of deep trance or focus shift.

19th June 2008, 07:55 PM
I snapped myself out of trance, sorry I wasn't clear on that. I'll remember that about the vibrations thanks CF 8)

Have a good weekend.

Full moon tonight ~ will try again!

19th June 2008, 10:56 PM
Last night I woke up at 4 am and sat out in the moonlight. It was so bright! I didn't project, but had all kinds of 'lucid visitations' pretty much from about 5 am to 10:30 am. It was twilight zone most of the time.

23rd June 2008, 06:16 PM
Very cool :)

I didn't get a shot at it all weekend because I was exhausted from all the work I did outside, so once my head hit the pillow it was lights OUT for me! The workweek is rest for me in the summer :mrgreen: