View Full Version : Stimulating chakras for blockages. Bad idea?

29th May 2008, 11:46 PM
I have a question about blockages and chakras.

Is it a bad idea to try and stimulate the heart chakra if you have a ton of blockages in your chest area?

I read most of Oliver's (Korpo's) post about the Dissolving Techniques. http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9353

I have actually been doing his technique for probably about 6-8 months now on different blockages all around my body.
The results are so damn slow, but very effective. So far I have dug deep enough to access about three really cool states worth experiencing. All the crap on top of that has been less than enjoyable. It seems like there is a ton more left as well.

Someone told me that my chakras are all very small, about the size of a quarter, and spinning very tightly inside my body. So I am wondering if stimulating them or opening them is a good idea to help the blockages clear up. Or would that be counter-productive, like pumping more water into a clogged up pipe and having it blow up?

30th May 2008, 07:16 AM
Hello, josh.

I am glad you have success with what you are doing. :)

I am a bit undecided about what you ask myself. I sometimes test how far I can go by using different techniques like circulation, or energy raising, or spinning chakras, or energy bounces, things that are not part of my regular routine.

My experience is that dissolving enhances your abilities in my ways, especially your sensitivity. You start feeling your current limits and when you go beyond them.

Two very different examples: I'm an overeater and had not much of a feeling of getting full. Energy work restored that sense of getting full and when to stop a meal. In energy work I can now feel when I'm passing from minimal or effortless effort into starting to induce mental strain. I can feel where I cross the border where not only the results diminish, but also more and more exertion is necessary to keep going.

So, in my experience, dissolving opens you up to your inner senses. Your body and energy bodies come with a certain capacity - how much stress can you handle, how you react to the unknown, the ability to handle pain and strain and keep going if necessary. They also come with senses that tell you about this, and over time more and more of them become active.

The key IMO is self-observation. It has been a very long time since I had real problems with energy work due to strongly overworking since I notice the signs. The senses tell me. Over time you also connect things to your energy work actions - why should I be suddenly sad when all I did was energy work for the last half hour? In everyday activity we get used to these mood changes because outer things touch upon inner things, creating a semi-random experience. But within energy work we control what we stimulate so the result is (almost) no coincidence at all. So by repeated self-observation you can change that habit and notice when you touched upon emotional stuff that yet awaits resolution.

And that's it, really.

You can go and try whatever energy work exercise and stay aware of how you feel with it. Does it exhaust you, hurt you, strain you? Do you feel tired, over-energised, agitated? Do a lot of seemingly random thoughts distract you? Do emotions come strongly up, breaking your concentration? Do you spend more and more time being distracted or trying to reestablish concentration?

These are signs that you either overdid it and need rest, or at least stronger grounding and neutralising. One of my approaches is to make one energising and agitating exercises first "to stir the muck" and then dissolve to get rid of the "muck", calm, clean and purify your system and to ground it all below your feet. This approach IMO can help speed up things a little when you feel stuck with the progress you are making, but it requires self-observation to stay aware of the side effects of what you are doing and keep them in check.

Take good care,

1st June 2008, 02:52 AM
Thanks for the advice Oliver,

I will investigate my capacity in the least non invasive way (layer by layer awareness movement) and see what happens. I know that one of my limitations is when the mind level starts to crack and I feel a splitting physical or mental pain.

1st June 2008, 09:00 AM
As long as you respect the limits you perceive I believe you will be fine. Share what you encounter - I'm sure it will be interesting. :)

Take good care,

1st June 2008, 10:24 PM
Hey thanks Oliver.

I had one simple observation about your dissolving technique. I have noticed a particular "roadblock" quality with this technique. As I dissolve stuff and access deeper layers that are very pleasant I feel better and better at those top level layers. Lately I have been accessing a state in my stomach that is very smooth and pleasant, but I know that underneath that there is more nasty stuff. In the beginning the gap wasn't so big so it wasn't a big deal, but now the pleasant layers have increased significantly and it seems a lot easier to just chill out there and enjoy that. I guess some time is needed to adjust to the new baseline as well as increase the desire to "get on with it" and go deeper.

2nd June 2008, 03:45 AM
IMO you are right on the spot! :)

(Beside the fact it is not my technique, of course... ;) )

I am glad it is working for you. IMO it is very effective, easy in concept, but sometimes hard to practice.

Further good successes,

8th June 2008, 05:40 PM
Hi again Oliver,

I was curious if you ever thought that some block like sections might actually be stagnant energetic pools caused by blocked or set pathways in other parts of your body/system? So it might be good to also focus on parts of the body that have no pain at all, but may present hidden supporting blocks?

Does that seem feasible?

8th June 2008, 05:57 PM
Bruce Frantzis says, several things are at work when dissolving:

There is what you could call the "plumbing effect" - you obliterate the right spot and things upstream of it get moving. This is why Bruce recommends going downward and never back up if you suddenly feel a block back up. Chances are that block is gone when you are fully downward simply because they interrelated by being up- and downstream on the same channel or something similar. You can always tackle it in the next run, but if you go back up you might miss the chance to abolish a key block that gets much more moving.

Dissolving like that can cause a waterfall effect, that a cascade of block gets loose, one after another. The other effect he describes is similar, but simultaneous. Blockages distributed all over your body can be in truth trace back to the same source, and if you follow that source fully to its origin, the essence of the block, there is a chance that the whole blocked structure in all its outer appearances drops away at the same time. Kinda quantum or something. ;)

What I do is this: When I find a numb area, I work it. But usually the only way to find a numb area is to let yourself be guided by adjacent painful sensations or other signs of blockage. Like Bruce says: Feelings of strength (true strength you don't feel, it is effortless), contraction, tension, anything that doesn't feel quite right. These are his four signs of blockage, and they are excellent in tracing it. The numb areas are usually below these - the not-yet-penetrated layers that have gone numb. The outside of the blockage is initially the only part you can feel, and deeper layers are numb.

Numb layers can become active again and demand your attention when your energy work progresses. Your awareness penetrates deeper into your body's problematic areas. This can become awkward, I tell you. Suddenly I get pains in areas I thought were fine - like my knees lately. But the numb areas reactivate, ache and start the healing, and more blockage work is needed. Keeps me busy, I tell ya! ;)

So, you can at any time seek out the areas that don't give you trouble and breathe into them to stimulate and scan them. I usually go with the blocks I know of because I believe these are the body's signs of what needs to be done, but I think both approaches are fine.

Further good success,

Aunt Clair
20th June 2008, 12:21 PM
If you wish to unblock the sunstone at the chest take energy in through the heart gently and express it through the back of the heart which is a natural effluent purge in each human .Where there is pain be gentle or pause where there is none be more forceful in your energy influence . And consider what emotional events caused these blockages release them and let them go as you breathe out . We block ourselves with acts of non love to us and against us as the bully or the victim. When we forgive and apologise we can be free and live in the now not anxious for the future nor regretful of the past .

29th June 2008, 06:26 PM
Ahh Aunt Clair,

Thank you so much! This was staring me in the face and I didn't even think about it-- I guess I couldn't see it because it was behind me the whole time. ;-) I need to do posterior body/chakra meditations. Medial/Lateral and Superior/Inferior body meditation will be great as well. The body is not two dimensional, which is how most of those chakra pictures depict it. There are three anatomical planes, Frontal, Sagittal, and Transverse. I had a huge "duh" moment when I read your post.

I tried this last night, meditating on the backside of my heart (from my spine inward), and I quickly started to access several new states. I think this will make the overall picture of myself much clearer when I go through the rest of the backside of my system.

What you say about blocking ourselves is interesting. I am trying to discover movements which open up my system and get my body out of old patterns. So our blocks are ways that we are not willing to move or somehow unable to see our feel ourselves moving and then the body compensation patterns re-enforce that lack of movement. The wheels are still kind of churning as I try to understand all this and how it integrates with movement practices. Still connecting the dots...
