View Full Version : Question about 2 realities

28th May 2008, 08:37 PM
Dear Robert
I have had a few very unusual experiences the last week that I wanted to ask you about. Here is my diary:

Had a WILD or an OBE exit cannot tell. Here is my account from my journal:

“Rolled out on my left side and stood up. I moved slowly to the right side of the room and saw it was not my room but different somehow. Still it had a very familiar feeling. At the bottom of my view there was a black line and a light shone under it, just as it if was shining under a curtain, hanging about 1 meter above the floor. Suddenly I realized that it was my actual room as well and that the light shining in was my physical eyes. I opened my physical eyelids very slowly, and the “curtain” hanging down lifted and my actual room was visible, it showed my actual view lying on my side looking at my table beside the bed. Then I closed my eyelids slightly and the “other” room came into focus. I tried it 5-6 times and every time it was the two rooms interchanging. When I closed my eyes I could move around the “new” room from wall to wall. I decided to open my eyes and was back in my awake “reality” again. Decided to open my eyes all the way and did so and the other room disappeared. It was a full OBE with all the trimmings, and I recorded this.”

It seemed that my eyelids were like a curtain, or at least acting as a curtain. Wonder how I could have control of my eye lids. Any ideas?

Regards Mustardseed

Robert Bruce
13th January 2009, 08:10 AM

A very curious effect indeed.

Something like a remote eye experience.

The focus of the eyes will affect the focus of the brow center.

The act of opening your nonphysical eyes while in OBE or LD state also affects the brow center.

Opening your actual physical eyelids will usually bring an experience to an end, unless you have very dim light.

It is not uncommon to have several OBE's occurring simultaneously, and it is easy to get confused about where your actual reality is and how to get back there.

My best guess is that you had 2 perspectives, one from your projected double, and another from your physical body mind with astral sight. your view switched between the two perspectives. A clear example of the mind split at work here.

Keep smiling.....