View Full Version : obe with no vibration till after event

28th May 2008, 12:38 AM
hi all
ive posted a few of my experiances on this site last nights was another new experiance in ways of things didnt happen as normal so im not sure if its a full obe or lucid dream or just a dream.
It felt more real then any dream an the fact i looked at clock after the events an saw i had only been to bed 30 mins.
It started with me drowsing off in bed an i just felt the awarness of been out of body , ther was no vibration running thro my body as per norm that tells me a obe is approching. I just felt light an lifted up an found myself sittin on bed obe state.
As i sat on the bed i had an awarness of my pet dog who passed on few yrs ago, instantly i felt the bed shudder as if she had jumped on the bed an simular to a recent obe experiance felt her lickin my face in her normal excited fashion.
It was all so so real i stroked her an even feelin her shape brought back memorys that i had long lost , meanin she had little bump in her chest that id long lost memory of, if i had a 90 page essay to write about my pet ther is no way id have rememberd to include this little bump she had on her chest. I continued to stroke her an her licking my face for about 30 second and then picked her up an started to walk down stairs as i do in many obe experiances an eneterd my living room. All this time iwas fully aware of carrying her in my arms an saying to her comon we have to meet sum 1. The reasoni said this was in a previous full obe (with vibration) i met 2 of my pets after a request having takin advice from this site, they were the first contact to entitys i had ever experianced, Soon after this experiance i obe 'ed an spoke to a person for 1st time ever, a female.
I dont know this female but i was told to just wait i need to meet some 1then suddenly woke in my body, this was about a month ago now and really was fully expecting to meet this sum1 in next obe experiance which iam waiting to experiance as yet. However last night i seemed to experiance an obe without the normal trait of feelin vibration, it wasnt till after i reached my sitting room with my pet in my arms that i woke suddenly in my body fully awake
The events feelin so real more real then a dream and lookin at clock in my bedroom i had put the light off an hit my pillow only 30 mins prior. I thort more about the experiance asvi tried to get back to sleep an then and only then did i feel small tiny pulses of vibration in small region of my body lasting 1 second only if that an maybe about once every 20 seconds in frequnecy. As much asi wanted the vibration to envale my whole body an bring on obe, this didnt happen an i must drifted off to sleep at some point .

My question is,,, was this a dream rather then obe ..it just felt so so so so so real an simular to an obe minus the vibration at begining i normally get prior to leaving my body. Ive had dreams about my pet in past and id wake up all upset an hurt an missing her but after last nights experiance i woke an instantly started to giggle an feel totally over joyed at the experiance, it just did not feel like a dream, its the bump on her chest that id long long long long forgot about suddenly filled my mind as i stroked her an i could feel it

28th May 2008, 01:33 AM
Vibrations don't happen all the time or as a rule-and even when they do the more you project the less vibrations you may have- also some people never get them.
However, to some of us that don't get them anymore do get them on reentry. I only get vibes on reentry now and I know a lot of people who only get them on reentry.
So it's not so stange and you're not alone.

28th May 2008, 03:26 AM
Vibrations tend to happen when you're still partially in control of the physical body. In my experience, it's not unusual to feel them after, or to feel similar effects for a few hours... I think it's highly possible that they are felt on a physical level (physical body nerves and/or etheric body) rather than a more mental one, especially since they tend to stop when the projection is achieved (though with the mind split, and the fact that you can still feel your physical body even after the separation, it can get complicated).

28th May 2008, 05:23 AM
well all i can say is wow
This opens a new dimension to me,,the past 5 or 6 yrs since my obe began all my obe always started with the energy vibration when drowsing off but, ive had 2 this year that are more deep sleep obe's meaning, i was not drowsing off nor wasther no paralized stage that i know of but the energy vibe at begining of the deep sleep obe was just as real as the drowsing off version however i return to my body an wake up its morning feeling the wake up isnt instant after reentry as with so so so many of my obe an feel no sleep disturbance.
Only since the turn of this year tho have i experianced these deep sleep obe Its fair to say 98% of my obe always oocure when driftin off an can stop the event by shaking free an be awake in my bed fully.

The experiance last night my thread opener was what im more used too,a drowsing off obe (minus vibration) thats new to me ..an after the event was fully awake in bed, but wow if these things are happening with no vibration sign an just a sudden change in awarness an find myself out my body,, im stunned at this revilation.
Im also stunned that as stated in previous threads i average about 5 obe per year for last 6 yrs since they started, so far this year ive had 12 an its only May

28th May 2008, 02:59 PM
The process is becoming smoother and your awareness is more 'open', so to speak.

28th May 2008, 03:17 PM
why do some people seem to experiance obe an others not
I know ive spoke to friends who experianced a 1 off situation never to return an others nothing at all
I myself my experiances have tripled this year im averaging 3 a month spontantious events and becomming more meaningfull then just floating around my dwelling on my own im now meeting pets an this female with the I need to meet some 1 message. I dont know if its related buti had a small dream thro week to which i saw a man who i knew passed on he told me he had cancer,, an that was it ,as short as that 1 line. what sticks out in this dream is the fact i knew he had a skyblue t shirt on colours arnt supposed to be seen in normal dreaming events so i just thort it abit more meaningful then ur average dream.
I really cant put my finger on this female who appeared in an obe tho, she beautiful had a wide smile an simply told me to wait i need to meet somone ,this as i tried to leave my house via window . I dont regconise her from life in fact my gut feeling tells me she hasnt even lived here i just get feeling she is a completly different race encarnation system if you like ok il say it alien. I never had time towait really as no sooner had she said them words I was back awake in my physical body but left with this message ringin in my mind now weeks.

28th May 2008, 03:20 PM
what sticks out in this dream is the fact i knew he had a skyblue t shirt on colours arnt supposed to be seen in normal dreaming events so i just thort it abit more meaningful then ur average dream. Actually this is not true- that's an 'old wive's tales' that is no longer believed. Most dreams are in color.