View Full Version : Scary exp. with Sleep Paralysis

26th May 2008, 09:29 PM
Last year I had an experience which I think was OBE related. I recently read back thru my dream journal and decided to share my experience with you. It started out as a dream and it went something like this... ;)
June 30 2007 @ 2.30am

My dream started with Jimmy [hubby] and I eating at his family's home, but the people in the dream were definately not his family.. they were weird and very creepy. After eating it was time to go to bed. I was afraid of one of the brothers (there were 2) coming into our room at night.

The brother I expected to sneak in did not, but the other one did. He was snooping around on the desk to my right [there really is a desk there in my bedroom]. I was very frightened and Jimmy woke and told him to go away etc. At this point the brother seemed to become invisible? we knew he was still in the room but we couldnt see him. He left the room, but then came back with something in his hands.

Jimmy was facing me in bed, reassuring me that all was ok when suddenly a strange man became visible to me. He was a huge man with distorted features. He made to attack Jimmy and thats when I started screaming.... only I couldn't actually move.

In my head I was screaming 'GET OUT, GET OUT' over and over but in my dream I just couldn't speak or move. I became aware that I was dreaming and woke myself up at this point. I managed to open my mouth and whisper 'get out' aloud but I still couldn't move. I was paralysed. I tried to be calm and concentrated on wiggling my toes and fingers until I could move freely.

I was absolutely terrified from the moment I was trying to scream. I was very very hot too. The dream imagery was so clear and I felt there was a real threat to my hubby and myself. But soon after waking and being able to move again I was pretty calm. Having read plenty on this site about the dweller phenomenon and sleep paralysis I kinda understood what was going on. I think the big man in my dream was more likely my own projected self... what do you think?

27th May 2008, 12:37 AM
Were you at your house, or was the visiting part of the experience in dream only? Sometimes I think some dweller experiences may be other projectors also, and if they're relatives there may be some sort of implicit permission happening there- maybe one of his brothers were visiting him or it was a combo of your own projected double and his own projected double which you confused for his brother.
I only say this because I have seen my husband's projected double while I was trying to project, and it didn't look exactly like him- a little more sinister version of him. These are just ideas, of course.

27th May 2008, 08:15 PM
I was at my own home, in my own bed with hubby asleep next to me.
It makes sense that it could have been his projected double I saw/felt.
It was the dream imagery that frightened me so, not the experience in itself. It hasn't happened since tho.. :D