View Full Version : Nice Lucid Dream

26th May 2008, 10:28 AM
I had a nice lucid dream the othernight that I seemed to will to happen.
I cant remember if I was dreaming at the time, but I remember lying in bed late in the night and thinking I could create my own dream environment if I just think about the place I want to go to hard enough.
So I thought of the town where I work, and suddenly the image appeared in front of my eyes and suddenly, I was actually standing on the sidewalk looking down the mainstreet.
At this time I became completely lucid, and decided to look in-depth at the scenery.
I knelt down and looked at the road and admired the amazing detail of the concrete, the little bits of granite, and noted the drain on the road. I stood up and felt the sun shining on the back of my neck. I was amazed my brain could create such detail in a dream, and how I could interact with every little nuance.
I started walking down the street, and for some reason suddenly remembered a thread from this forum that I read earlier in the week about people experiencing a slowing-down of time during an accident or serious moments.
I decided to bring upon slowing down time, so I created a flow of energy through my body, the faster the flow the slower time went, and during that time I could only move my limbs in slow motion.. it was great!
I then stopped this and started walking through town, but some 'intuition' suddenly made me aware that somebody could meet me down one of the streets to teach me some martial-arts swordwork? Im not even into swordwork or martial arts, but decided it would be interesting.
So I walked through town into the street in question, but when I walked to the place to meet the teacher, I came across a derelict building, which reminded me that for the last month or so, I have actually dreamt that I have been in ALOT of derelict buildings. The dreams are not bad or sad, but they seem to be a place of reflection/relaxation/hiding away.
Anyway, I met somebody who wasn't who I was expecting to meet.. there was no swordsman, but a man. I cant quite remember everything we spoke about, but I remember asking him how often I should energy raise. He told me "once a day, ideally at lunchtime, NOT when you go to bed. This is why you are lucid dreaming now, because you didnt energy raise this evening".

At that point I left the building, and decided to try and OOB, so I looked up at the sky and did my superman impression and started soaring upwards. I then suddenly woke up as I became aware of my girlfriend moving next to me in bed, and realised I actually had my hands in the air trying to do my flying! ALthough in retrospect I think they may have been my astral hands.

Anyway, thats that, and the remainder of my nights sleep I had very vivid dreams.

First lucid dream I have had in a while so thought i'd share!!

All the best


28th May 2008, 10:02 PM
Woah, Awesome! lol That reminds me of some lucid dream I had in which I was showing off abilities such as flying and telekinesis (which apparently doesn't impress anyone). That night actually felt like the longest night I ever had because i had about three more more lucid dreams in which i was in different places (in the astral realm i suppose). In the last dream I was at some school and wanted to know where. I looked at a paper i saw at an office and it said Illiopolis, IL....o.O i'm like, "what am i doing in Illinois" and some old guy that looks like somone i saw on tv says "you got super powers, remember"? I strangely asked "why??" and he says "you could just disappear" but then he's interrupted by a lady saying "oh don't listen to him". Everything gets blurry and I woke up. I had a dream about making psi balls a while back and I think i saw the same guy lol I remember looking at my hand and admiring how detailed it looked in the dream.

29th May 2008, 12:11 AM
Heliopolis? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heliopolis_(ancient))