View Full Version : Captured inside Pentagram

26th May 2008, 05:36 AM
Recently I had a semi-lucid dream, where I confronted the brother of my ex-partner, asking him quite aggressively "where he had studied ceremonial Magic" & "who he really was." He morphed into a little goblin-type creature, & sat cross legged "over" an armchair, each knee resting on top of the arms of the chair. I then drew an earth pentagram over him, at which he whined, "Oh, NO! Not a PENTAGRAM!" The pentagram caught him up in it, so that he ended up sitting inside one of the lower points! He also muttered something about my "being his master/mistress now" until the "Magus with the long blonde hair was released"

Since then I have had no further "voices" apparently coming from inside my body. . . odd!

I haven't seen or heard from this person for about 5 years, & never give a thought to him (hardly knew him at all) I also do not really "practise magic" although I did read Franz Bardon's works with great interest & tried a few simple banishing techniques a year or so back; also do a daily personalised version of the "Middle Pillar" excercise as I read somewhere that Aunt Clair recommended it, & I find it very focussing. But I certainly have no wish to capture or detain any being against its will, or to have "mastery" over any one, so I feel a bit concerned.

I'm also wondering who else uses pentagrams in the lucid dream state & to what effect?