View Full Version : Not getting out

25th May 2008, 12:58 PM
Ive been practicing for roughly 5-6 months with great success but Im still not able to get out of my body. I can fairly easily induce the same sensations regularly. I practice around 2-3 times a week. As much as I can remember to I try energy raising throughout the day. Energy rising from feet to head traveling through each chakra. I can feel the energy begin to flow in my toes go through my midsection through my heart center and into my Brow/Crown centers. I get sensations such as slow rising warmth in my feet legs, vertigo in stomach, heart racing then vision change behind my closed eyes and pressure in my head. Full body buzzing. I am definately in a very deep trance. I am totally disasociated from my physical body at this point. I feel very light and floating. I then try exit techniques rope, speed boat, turning out, etc. But I cannot seem to get the last step right (getting out)
Typical projection techniques for me
Total relaxation
Breathing control/mind emptying
falling/ spinning sensations
Exterior energy body bouncing
Third eye activation
Any help would be greatly appreciated

25th May 2008, 08:50 PM
Have you tried phasing?
When you get the visuals, try to keep up with them as they go by. Try to do this and listen to your earhiss at the same time. If the visuals slow down try to focus on an area and 'get sucked in'. If you have characters appear and they don't scare you ask them to help you out and take the hand that will be offered, and 'go with it.' Let us know how you do.

27th May 2008, 03:51 PM
I will definately try that. Visuals are getting intense lately. By that I mean almost like movies. Theres people, story lines. I enjoy watching them although some are fairly strange. They do not frighten me at all. I will try to focus on one of the charactures and ask for help. I will definately keep you updated.
What are these "visions" they start as flashes of people or situations and progress a little while later into scenes.

I have gone through a lot of interesting changes lately (good ones, but awakening for sure) It has led me to open my memory bank of interesting things that have happened to me in the past. I was wondering if you can comment on a couple of these.

I remember when I was younger 10 years ago (30 years old), "waking up" and seeing a kaleidaskope looking swirling object directly in front of me. I swear I was sitting up trying to reach for it. But I dont remember seeing my hands. It was one of the most beautiful things I can remember seeing, very colorful and calming and I can remember feeling very drawn to it. The next thing I know its morning.
Also having a reocurring "dream" of a being, a woman, I think, beautiful bright pure white no distinguisable face or body outline. almost like she is draped in a shall of unbelievable pure white light. Ive seen her in cities/countries. The strongest memory I have is "It" for lack of a better word, being in the middle of a green very hilly field. Im flying by and she watches me. Again Im drawn to her I fly back around and stop. Without seeing lips move she says "where are you going". Thats all she ever says to me werever I see her. Next time I see her were going to talk. Again very peaceful serene calming. Then I take off.

For one reason or another Im being drawn into this AP phenomina. I truly believe this has something to do with my calling and I cannot wait till My concious allows me to fulfill complete my mission.

Thanks for your reply

27th May 2008, 05:36 PM

What are these "visions" they start as flashes of people or situations and progress a little while later into scenes.
They are also known as 'hypnagogic hallucinations' your brain starts generating visuals from a combination of memories, and metaphysicians believe also forays to other realities. You start to look at your subconscious representations, physical, mental, and sometimes extraphysical and extramental.

I have gone through a lot of interesting changes lately (good ones, but awakening for sure) It has led me to open my memory bank of interesting things that have happened to me in the past. I was wondering if you can comment on a couple of these.

I remember when I was younger 10 years ago (30 years old), "waking up" and seeing a kaleidaskope looking swirling object directly in front of me. I swear I was sitting up trying to reach for it. But I dont remember seeing my hands. It was one of the most beautiful things I can remember seeing, very colorful and calming and I can remember feeling very drawn to it. The next thing I know its morning. It could be a few things- a vision of a portal or vortex to another 'dimension', or an abstract representation of a mandala and it's implications.

Also having a reocurring "dream" of a being, a woman, I think, beautiful bright pure white no distinguisable face or body outline. almost like she is draped in a shall of unbelievable pure white light. Ive seen her in cities/countries. The strongest memory I have is "It" for lack of a better word, being in the middle of a green very hilly field. Im flying by and she watches me. Again Im drawn to her I fly back around and stop. Without seeing lips move she says "where are you going". Thats all she ever says to me werever I see her. Next time I see her were going to talk. Again very peaceful serene calming. Then I take off. This could be a few things- a symbolic or archetypal representation of your anima if you're a male (which would be the contrasexual representation of your subconscious/soul) or a guide. That you see her in different countries makes me think of guide. Very symbolic.

For one reason or another Im being drawn into this AP phenomina. I truly believe this has something to do with my calling and I cannot wait till My concious allows me to fulfill complete my mission.
Thanks for your reply Sounds like you're on your way.

1st June 2008, 12:01 PM
Sounds like you have the same issues as I. I can't go beyond that floating feeling. None of the tecniques work for me. I can't get my mind to fall into a deep state. It's too alert, i guess. If you figure a way to do it, please let me know :)

3rd June 2008, 01:54 AM
I'm nearly that far and stuck also. I try the rope and just end up wearing myself out. If either of you is (are?) successful, please post your technique!


6th July 2008, 03:25 AM
Sounds like you have the same issues as I. I can't go beyond that floating feeling. None of the tecniques work for me. I can't get my mind to fall into a deep state. It's too alert, i guess. If you figure a way to do it, please let me know :)

I have this same problem too. I can meditate quite deeply and I think I may have had one or two astral travel experiences, but I'm still not able to consciously project and leave my physical body. I think some of us just naturally stay alert and I'm a pretty light sleeper too. I'm thinking of experimenting with sleeping pills or something to put my body to sleep and keep my mind alert.

6th July 2008, 03:44 AM
Sounds like you have the same issues as I. I can't go beyond that floating feeling. None of the tecniques work for me. I can't get my mind to fall into a deep state. It's too alert, i guess. If you figure a way to do it, please let me know :)

I have this same problem too. I can meditate quite deeply and I think I may have had one or two astral travel experiences, but I'm still not able to consciously project and leave my physical body. I think some of us just naturally stay alert and I'm a pretty light sleeper too. I'm thinking of experimenting with sleeping pills or something to put my body to sleep and keep my mind alert.
Since both of you seem to have relaxation issues, have you tried waking up in the morning about two hours before your normal wakeup time and going to trance techniques, followed by energy raising, energy body loosening techs and then exit techs?

I'm nearly that far and stuck also. I try the rope and just end up wearing myself out. If either of you is (are?) successful, please post your technique!
-Kelly Hi Kelly. A couple of questions, if you will-
Are you starting rope when you get symptoms, or before?
Are you doing energy body loosening after trance and before rope?
Or I should really ask, would you describe your exit routine?

8th July 2008, 03:06 PM
I'm nearly that far and stuck also. I try the rope and just end up wearing myself out. If either of you is (are?) successful, please post your technique!
-Kelly Hi Kelly. A couple of questions, if you will-
Are you starting rope when you get symptoms, or before?
Are you doing energy body loosening after trance and before rope?
Or I should really ask, would you describe your exit routine?

Hi CF,

I haven't been trying to exit much lately, just energy raising and affirmations that "I will OBE" before bedtime, hoping to wake up in the middle of the night with favorable conditions. I'm having vivid dreams, but no OBE yet. I think it's because I can't get into a deep enough trance yet without either falling asleep or the kids bothering me for one thing or another...

I was starting rope when I felt like my body was getting lighter and more numb, say after about 1/2 hour of energy raising and/or meditation/breathing. I think I wasn't quite deep enough except for once. That time I could actually feel my hands and feet moving astrally! It got me excited and my heart did a big flip/falling feeling. Another few times I also did a swaying motion/energy body loosening after getting the numb feeling. It felt like I was swaying in a hammock and I could feel my energy body moving a few inches inside in my "body hammock". It just made me dizzy though. :P

Most times I try to meditate when the kids are awake one comes to check on me or show me something so I think my best chance is going to be after waking up early or in the middle of the night. Usually I go right back into the hypnagogic imagery and have really vivid dreams, and some are really physical feeling, but not lucid ones where I could phase out. Maybe I just need to work on becoming lucid or not going back to sleep... Any ideas?

thanks, Kelly

Neil Templar
8th July 2008, 03:29 PM
I have this same problem too. I can meditate quite deeply and I think I may have had one or two astral travel experiences, but I'm still not able to consciously project and leave my physical body. I think some of us just naturally stay alert and I'm a pretty light sleeper too. I'm thinking of experimenting with sleeping pills or something to put my body to sleep and keep my mind alert.

i'm in a similar place.very alert and terribly light sleeper, however,
i've had alot of success recently with "getting out" from lucid dreams, either phasing to some other place, or going back "into" my body then getting out from there..

as for sleeping pills, i've tried many different types, including herbal, and so far the best i've found to be mellatonin.
it's what your brain releases naturally during sleep, i believe, so it doesn't affect your dream/experience recall. :D
doesn't leave you groggy in the morning either.
it's cheap too - comes in tiny tablet form, you get about 500 in a little tub.

tho i wouldn't advise using pills unless it's really needed.i only use them because i have no real routine in place.
i work daytime/nighttime/afternoons, all over the place.. :roll:

8th July 2008, 03:35 PM
Just a few:

I was starting rope when I felt like my body was getting lighter and more numb, say after about 1/2 hour of energy raising and/or meditation/breathing. I think I wasn't quite deep enough except for once. That time I could actually feel my hands and feet moving astrally! It got me excited and my heart did a big flip/falling feeling. Another few times I also did a swaying motion/energy body loosening after getting the numb feeling. It felt like I was swaying in a hammock and I could feel my energy body moving a few inches inside in my "body hammock". It just made me dizzy though. I generally use different exit techniques for different exit symptoms: For example, the swaying 'body hammock' feeling (I call it 'rocking') shows me your e-body has already externalized, what it needs is momentum to get completely out. In this case I wouldn't use rope because rope starts out as an in-body method- in other words, it returns your body to 'in you' and replaces the already happening exit with a forced exit. I instead try to follow the rocking and 'taking off' with it, like body surfing, and use the motion to keep going.
I like rope for when you have vibrations, or when there are no exit symptoms whatsoever except visuals. (Slow moving vivid visuals, that is.) And I make sure to do energy body loosening before starting it.

Most times I try to meditate when the kids are awake one comes to check on me or show me something so I think my best chance is going to be after waking up early or in the middle of the night. Usually I go right back into the hypnagogic imagery and have really vivid dreams, and some are really physical feeling, but not lucid ones where I could phase out. Maybe I just need to work on becoming lucid or not going back to sleep... Any ideas? What you're doing is fine, except- if I were you, I'd plan to get up physically, walk around, and then go to your projection spot and then try, instead of waking up and closing your eyes and then trying. This will 'dust you off' and get your mind interested in the route it's going to take to project. You can also tell yourself "I will remember when I go this way" when you do it- and then go back in.

thanks, Kelly Good luck.

8th July 2008, 06:37 PM
That makes sense CF. I tried ROPE last night after I got the floating feeling and could only spin my head around 360 inside my body yuck :lol:

Will try this tonight, I should’ve went with the rocket instead of the rope!

10th July 2008, 12:50 AM
Thanks for the clarification on the rope- That makes sense... I should've tried the waterskiing method maybe. I've done that before and started to feel a movement but next time I'll stick with it if I feel my energy body loosening. I'll keep at it...