View Full Version : Healing for me

23rd May 2008, 12:55 PM
Hi everyone.

Over the last 8 months or so I would say that I have been experiencing a healing crisis. I truly believe that I am on my way to becoming a healer and some of my symptoms could be due to a long, drawn out period of Kundalini slowing rising. Of course, this is all guesswork on my part. I do feel blessed to have recovered to the poitn where I have today. There has been some suffering, but more than likely my suffering is necessary if I am ever to serve others as a healer.

Anyway, things have been going very well lately. This past week I suffered what appears to be a setback (but I have learned that sometimes what appears to be a setback is actually the next step forward). In any case, I went to an acupuncture session this past week and my neck hasn't been right since. It seemingly has gone back to a state it was in months ago. My neck is tight on the right hand side by the base of the skull. I hear clicks in my head when I turn my neck a certain way. There is atrigger point in my neck that has been slowly getting better over the past few months, it is flaring up. I alos have pressure inside my right ear drum.

In any case, it is impacting my ability to focus on work. As I work 100% commission, this is really not good. So if you all could send some healing my way. My name is Ed. I live in the greater Richmond VA area (Mechanicaville VA to be exact). If I did this correctly, a picture of me should be posted below.

Blessings to you all.


23rd May 2008, 01:53 PM
Sending you some healing
*Wolf whistles* :wink:

23rd May 2008, 03:07 PM
Thank you!

And now I'm blushing :)

24th May 2008, 04:10 AM
Mmm! Would you like me to lay hands.... errr.... ;)

Okay, on a serious note, I do think a lot of your issues are Kundalini related. Look up the phrase "Kundalini Syndrome" and see what you can dig up. It's more than just an awakening, and it can go on for a very long time (I've had KS for more than ten years now, though it comes and goes in intensity).

May you be surrounded by positive, healing, creative energy at all times. And so it is.

24th June 2008, 09:56 AM
Hey Ed, I will remember you in my meditation today..

I ask Joaldi and the white light of heaven to help and to heal ...

Stay warm Ed,


25th October 2008, 08:39 AM
i will meditate for you also. i'm in a bit of a similar position as you are also i think. Re: Kunadlini , i also felt like mine was going to pop; i finally gave in and then the sensations stopped ... i kind of hope just until i can regain my own health, to deal with the potential risks of kundalini awakening.

but i will print out your picture and put it on my prayer wall in my meditation area :D