View Full Version : Deceased Grandfather in Lucid Dream

Observation Slave
22nd May 2008, 10:07 PM
Good Evening Mr. Bruce,

A few nights ago I had a dream where I was riding in the backseat of a car with my grandfather who in reality had passed away almost 2 years ago. After not very long I realized that I was dreaming and became completely lucid. At this point I grabbed his hand and said "Hi Goong goong" (Chinese for grandfather, at least thats what we called him) He didn't really seem to acknowledge me just kind of looked at me and looked forward like I wasn't there. As soon as I said hi to him, I felt a presence on the right side of my face, and a voice which was not my grandfather's said to me "We must leave here now." To which I replied "Why?" The voice responded "Because we are good." At this point I faded into the black void and felt vibrations. I was in and out of this state throughout the night.

Mostly I would like to know if you think that was my grandfather's spirit and what you think about the voice. I know I'm not giving you a very specific question, but any insight you have I would greatly appreciate. Thanks.

Robert Bruce
8th January 2009, 03:49 PM

I think this dream may refer to issues relating to your grandfather. This could be precognitive, about something that will happen in your life soon. Or, it could relate to unresolved issues relating to your grandfather.

The car would represent your life path. As you were in the back seat of the car, this shows that you are not in control of this part of your life, or this aspect or issue. That your grandfather was next to you indicates that this matter (what the dream is referring to) relates somehow to your grandfather.

The voice is not clear enough to identify as a factor or influence.

Beyond this.... sometimes things happen that are difficult and even impossible to understand. This is okay. We don't have to understand everything. Just record such things in your journal and go on with your life. Usually, it is not until something happens in life relating to this that the meaning of such experiences become clear. This may or may not happen here.
