View Full Version : LUCID DREAM - OBEs

Neil Templar
21st May 2008, 05:54 PM

last night was AWESOME!

in the past two weeks,i've made alot of progress.
i've managed to deal with some issues that've been holding me back (more detailed post on that coming) in many aspects of my life.

i've completely changed my lifestyle around and it feels great.

anyway,last night as i was falling asleep i told myself,and anyone else who might have been listening,that i was gonna get out of body at some point during the night.kinda like a reward for being so good to myself.

i fell asleep instantly,and found myself in a dream.
my boss was sitting at a table.now,in "real" life he's on vacation,out of the country.
i looked at him and realised i must be dreaming.i asked him if this was reality,or a dream?
he didn't know what i was talking about.
i was certain that i was dreaming,so thought to myself "if i'm dreaming,then i'm lucid."
normally this is where i get too excited and mess it up,losing lucidity or just waking up.
last night however,i just said "cool,well if i'm lucid,then i wanna get out of body,NOW!"

instantly the environment dissappeared.i was in greyness.no sight at all.
i remembered what i've read,and willed clarity now!
i had to strain(maybe not the right word) a little to see anything,as the greyness was beginning to fade,i willed myself up thru the roof.
i remember floating up,i guess it was a little slow to be classed as flying,i did go up and thru tho.

when i was clear of the layers of ceiling/floor/ceiling/floor,the greyness cleared completely.
from here on i seemed to be phasing from one environment to the next.

i found myself on the ocean at one point.not on a boat or anything.just me,sitting on the ocean.
i was controlling the weather.deciding what colours the clouds were gonna be,and how dense they should be.
big heavy grey/blue ones,and patches of whispy pink ones. 8)
then i got to decide what creatures were swimming around in the water beneath me.

then i found myself somewhere else.
i could feel myself making decisions,manifesting different things.
i think i created a training simulation for myself,because i willed into existence a "bad guy" to chase me.
he didn't seem menacing,and i certainly wasn't afraid.his job was somply to chase me down this corridor.
my job was to stop him.
i manifested HUGE pieces of luggage!massive suitcases,maybe 2 m in height.
then was hurling them thru the air with my mind,x-men style,so that they's fall in his path.
that part was soooo much fun,i couldn't believe it!

then there was another place where i was teaching some other folk how to circuit bend. :lol:
(check out "what is circuit bending?" on youtube for an explanation of that,very cool)

i woke up a few times in the night,wrote down a few words,then went right back into whatever environment i'd find myself in.
this went on the whole night!
i slept long,and was experiencing stuff all the way.i woke feeling exhausted but thrilled.

this was the FIRST time i've truly been able to remain calm and keep myself under control,whether it was lucid dreaming or true OBE.
i usually get too excited when i find myself totally lucid.it was maybe the most fun i've had while asleep ever!!

hehe,can't wait to sleep tonight..

21st May 2008, 06:22 PM
Very cool. I do a lot of that 'going through layers' thing. I wonder if all those 'roof/ceiling/attics' are actually astral planes?
Anyway, you're doing very well. Keep it up. :wink:

21st May 2008, 07:19 PM
Awesome! Were you exhausted afterwards? I know when I had one like that that went on all night I was very tired.

Neil Templar
21st May 2008, 08:53 PM
thanks CF.
i woke this morning feeling like i'd been awake all night.
but great!! :D

21st May 2008, 10:14 PM
wow :mrgreen: great stuff , can't wait to get to that level

Neil Templar
21st May 2008, 11:27 PM
yeah.it really was a first for me. 8)
i wish i could recall all of it,i'm sure that'll come in time...