View Full Version : an angel with a message

21st May 2008, 10:03 AM
I had a dream last night that I'd like some ideas about.

I was walking along a dirt road, out in the country of the small town I grew up in. There was a fence along the road and on the other side of it was a ditch with running water. I came upon a woman standing under a tree on the other side of the ditch. We were talking and she started telling me that everything was going to be all right. (I wasn't upset in the dream.) She said my fortune would come in 36 weeks. She kept saying the same thing over and over. She was very conversational about it, everything is going to be fine, I'd be happy, my fortune would come in 36 weeks.

She was a very simple woman, frankly, she seemed angelic. I know that this was a real message for me, but I don't know how literal to take it. Usually when messages are this direct they are very literal. I wouldn't question it at all except I got the impression that something bad was going to happen first. In numerology 3 and 6 is 9. 9s are about endings, the closing of the circle, so this makes me a bit nervous.

If anyone could ease my mind a bit, that would be great.

21st May 2008, 10:58 AM
I wish I could help more, but I can only offer a couple of insights that may or may not help.

Whenever I dream of the place I used to live (we moved a LOT; I always dream of the place I went to high school, a town I really hated, which also happens to be where my estranged parents still live), the symbol is "my past". It's not "the past", it's specific to me. It's the place I USED TO live, so it's almost literal in a weird sort of way.

I wouldn't put too much concern into the significance of the 9. The message rings very clearly to me as being, literally, 36 weeks. I don't know any sort of symbolic meaning for "36 weeks" (not like there is with, for example, "40 days"). It does strike me that 36 weeks is a near-term pregnancy. Maybe that's purely concidence, though, it's just a thought and I'm probably biased.

The "something bad" may not be "bad", but may be something more like "stressful" or "frustrating" or similar. It may not be something truly unfortunate. Could just be a period of change that unsettles things and you. In other words, don't look for trouble, and definitely don't expect it (if there's one thing I've learned recently, it's that what I expect is what I end up getting; I thought it was that I'm clever and figured things out, but it's actually that I'm determining things by my expectations.... :shock:)

So, congratulations on your happiness and your fortune. Keep your thoughts and your hopes on that, and don't let them wander to the possibility of "bad things" and don't let yourself get distracted by stuff that may SEEM like it's not what you want, etc.

I hope you let us know what the fortune is when it arrives! :)

21st May 2008, 11:53 AM
..and play the lottery :wink:

21st May 2008, 12:08 PM
She said my fortune would come in 36 weeks. She kept saying the same thing over and over. She was very conversational about it, everything is going to be fine, I'd be happy, my fortune would come in 36 weeks.

My first thought was "She's pregnant!" .. the average pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, and a newly pregnant woman who had just realised she's expecting would have around 36 weeks to go..

21st May 2008, 12:13 PM
..and play the lottery :wink:

Well, at least not for another 35 weeks... ;)

* goes back to counting future millions *
