View Full Version : "The Power of Now" and its link to your work.

20th May 2008, 08:30 PM
Hello Robert!

I heard you say that your work begins where Eckhart Tolle leaves off. I'm sure that engaging in your energy work helps move more deeply into Being; but I was wondering if you think Eckhart leaves out such limiting factors when he talks about transformation?

Eckhart seems to emphasize that one can simply move into the body and transmute any suffering and pain into greater being.

So while I'm sure an cleared energy body is greatly preferred; is it necessary to achieve such an awakening? I can't help but feel as though your work outlines a more reliable and maybe laborious path; while Eckhart seems to point to an immediate awakening that happens regardless of the body's state?

I'm sure your works go hand in hand, but are there any key differences you can point out?

Thank you!

Robert Bruce
8th January 2009, 03:40 PM

I admire Tolle's work and methods, just as I admire the works of Don Miguel Ruiz (the 4 agreements).

My system of energy work, and the works of Tolle and Ruiz, are tools for transformation.

Realization can occur instantly, but more usually this happens progressively over lengthy periods of time.

As Ken Wilber puts it, 'it takes the average person about 20 years of seeking before he she starts to get it. It takes this long because 'it' is so simple. You are God. We are all a part of Source. And you, your body and mind and life, are your most direct connection with the divine you could possibly have.

There are many spiritual teachers in the world. We are all basically saying the same thing...but in different ways. We reach different people, and sometimes this overlaps, as it should. The truth is the truth no matter how you say it or dress it up.
