View Full Version : Melting hands and ET´s (two unrelated questions)

13th May 2008, 12:38 PM
Dear Robert Bruce

I have recently started training my mind and I am now occasionaly able to have OOBEs. The ones I have had this far has been very short, but today I had a long, very lucid OOBE. My mind was completely clear, so when I was floating around the room, I decided to look at my hands (as it was descried in Astral dynamics). When I focused on my hands I saw them, but as I focused on them they didnt melt at all, they remained "normal", allthough they looked kind of spectral and seethrough. I also saw energy moving around my fingers (but, no melting).

So, my question regarding this is: Why didnt I experience the melting hand fenomena? I am certain it was an OOBE, not a lucid dream, because I used conscious exit tecnique from sleep paralyzes. Any idea why my hands remained normal?

Another thing: When I was very young (about 6 or 7 years old - I am 21 now) I read Whitley Stribers book about alien abductions (dont remember the english title, I read it in swedish) and ever since I have had an almost phobic fear of ET´s (aliens). So... for my second question: I am sure that I risk encountering ET´s when having OOBEs. I would be absolutely teriffied if I had an encounter, so is there any way to make an "alien entity" go away while you are out of the body (maybe by using psychic self defence as described in Astral Dynamics)? Any ideas how to make this fear dissapear?

I appologise if this text is hard to read or weird, English is not my first language..

With kind regards from Hawthorn

Robert Bruce
15th December 2008, 02:51 PM

Very interesting experience. The melting hand phenomenon is fairly reliable, but not everyone gets this.

however, even more interesting, is the fact that you expected to see your hands melt, but they did not.

If you were in a dream, your dream mind would have made your hands melt, just as you expected.

So this proves that you had a genuine astral projection.

As for ET's. You will occasionally come across them in the real time zone....not very often. They will generally keep to themselves and I advise you to do the same. I have never been 'attacked' by an ET, though I have seen them. They usually seem to be engaged in observing the living, nothing else.

As for self defense, I expect your imagination would work, as it does with neg type entities, eg, create weapons, shields, etc. Or, just return to your body.

Please do not worry about this. Its not a big concern.
