View Full Version : parachuting TK-fighting polymorphing spider-guys

12th May 2008, 03:08 PM
this one is too weird not to share:

around 3:30 I had this dream:

I was looking at a massive TV and it was split-screened, as if two people were playing an xbox game against each other. I saw a plane, and a paratrooper-guy in a strange white outfit with a very small parachute pack jumped out, and I heard a narrator telling how these paratrooper guys were ultra skilled and ultra competitive, especially among each other.

my "view" focused on one of them as he landed, on the top of a high mountain at the peak over a vertical cliff, and he disconnected from his parachute before he even hit the ground, then settled in behind this rock where he could see the whole valley but only the top of his head was visible.

it was only a moment before he turned his head (he must of heard something), and he jumped out of his hiding place and ran back about 25 feet, to the edge of a sparsely forested area. Charging towards the paratrooper was a rough-looking man in dirty clothes, with an large, old green backpack on and a double-size mattress strapped to his back as well. The two men exchanged fire with some kind of invisible weapon coming out of their hands, but they weren't noticeably hurting each other. the dirty man used that power to fling the mattress at the paratooper, then to fling the backpack at him.

i couldn't see the paratrooper clearly at this point, but it seemed like he was punching the backpack, or something on the ground near the backpack. The mountain man seized this opportunity to use his powers on the paratrooper, and I watched as the paratrooper (obviously quite painfully) was turned into a massive, hairy black spider with white markings here and there. It stood about 11 feet tall, at its highest point.

the mountain man stepped towards it, pointed to the left, and told the spider "go do what you are made to do." The spider hesitated, then ran in that direction.

The dream transitioned to some time in the future, and I saw the same man telling a different spider to kill some things in a tree, and two bodies (i didn't see them, just heard them hit the ground) fell. The man said to the spider "better and better," in approval.


I woke from the dream, and felt the presence of a labrador-sized astral spider sucking on my arm. I tried to fight it off, but I felt ill and couldn't muster up any willpower or concentration, so i got up and stood in the hallway until I banished the creature.

the end.