View Full Version : remebering dreams

11th May 2008, 05:32 PM
:) It's me again...mithering as usual :P

well, you know when you remember dreams, kind of well into the next day....those kind that only reveal the topic of events instead or the feeling of the whole thing...well i am curious as to how come your mind 'allows' for remembering then, and not when you wake.

any theories ?

11th May 2008, 05:44 PM
Here's my theory: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11184&p=85615#p85615 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=11184&p=85615#p85615)

11th May 2008, 07:00 PM
thanks CF.

17th May 2008, 06:22 AM
Your conscious mind doesn't dream. It can't remember something it doesn't do. Whatever dreams, lucid dreams, astral travels, etc, you experience, are remembered subconsciously by your soul mind. Now, it's possible that you remember your dreams, even right now, but it is basically your subconscious remembering them, while your conscious mind is tied solely to your body.

17th May 2008, 04:50 PM
Your conscious mind doesn't dream. It can't remember something it doesn't do. Whatever dreams, lucid dreams, astral travels, etc, you experience, are remembered subconsciously by your soul mind. Now, it's possible that you remember your dreams, even right now, but it is basically your subconscious remembering them, while your conscious mind is tied solely to your body. That's an idea that has been subsequently revised by more modern researchers like La Berge and others. Even though the conscious mind doesn't generate dreams, the subconscious mind generates them as they are received from observation-some of it conscious. So both minds cooperate in the input of stimuli, the subconscious generates dreams based on the input it receives, and if you wake up during dream processing, the conscious mind then witnesses them, which is why you remember some of the dreams.
The whole point of what we do is to keep the conscious mind 'on' when the subconscious mind is processing the unconscious information.
The conscious mind and unconscious mind are not mutually independent- that's why we have a corpus callosum and do brainwave synchronization- to reinforce the connections between the dual brain functions and keep interaction to a maximum.