View Full Version : Difference between hand and feet energy qualities

11th May 2008, 09:17 AM
Does anybody know what the difference is between the types of energy drawn in from the feet, and those from the hands?

I find when im drawing energy from my hands, I feel a more 'powerful' energy being stored than from my feet (although im sure this could be blockage related).

11th May 2008, 05:31 PM
Frankly, I think it has to do with sensitivity as opposed to 'type'. Hands and feet are more sensitive in general, and in some people's hands are more sensitive.

11th May 2008, 11:27 PM
RB wrote somewhere that feet drain earth energy and arms air/atmospheric... or so.
It's probably in NEW online tutorial.

12th May 2008, 04:23 PM
Thats what made me think, as I remember RB saying somewhere that the hands draw in a different type of energy... interesting!

12th May 2008, 08:30 PM
I found this in the tutorials (In arm & hand development)
"The energy body also exchanges and draws energies into itself through the hands, from a variety of different sources. Rather than over-complicating matters here, it is best to think of these energies as being simply atmospheric subtle energies. Atmospheric energies have different qualities from the more earthly energies which flow into the feet and legs. The hands, like the feet, contain heavy concentrations of energy exchange ports in the palms and undersides of fingers."

In the energy workshop I went to in Virginia last year, Robert explained the energy coming from the hands as energy that is drawn up from the feet, drawn into the heart, and pumped out by the hands. So theoretically it would be earth energy tempered by heart chakra energy if healing is being done.
However, he said in the above that it can be more complicated than that....so I don't really think it makes a difference, because you can call on any kind of energy from any energy exchange port- for example you can raise fire energy in your feet and bring it up your body when doing hermetics.
So IMO it's not that a 'type' of energy is there, but that you are channeling the energy and turning it into the type you need.

Aunt Clair
16th May 2008, 03:42 PM
Does anybody know what the difference is between the types of energy drawn in from the feet, and those from the hands?

I find when im drawing energy from my hands, I feel a more 'powerful' energy being stored than from my feet (although im sure this could be blockage related).

Hermetically Bardon taught ;
right side is positive electric active heavy dark warm moist red male earth energy
left side is negative magnetic passive heavy dark cold wet blue female water energy

But eventually the limbs colour up distinctly
left arm is still negative magnetic passive heavy dark cold wet indigo blue female water energy
right leg is still electric active heavy dark warm moist red male earth energy but I am confident it is electric negative

the energy body becomes imbibed with lighter elements which are ascending
right arm is positive electric active light bright hot dry orange male fire energy
left leg is positive active light bright cool damp green female air energy and I am confident it is magnetic positive

Bardon taught all female energy was negative but I no longer accept that because fire and air are both ascending and fire and air so these are both positive .

I feel that air is light and ascending as Bardon wrote but I am confident it is positive
I feel that water is heavy and negative and descending as Bardon wrote
I concur that fire is light and positive and ascending as Bardon wrote
and that earth is heavy and descending as Bardon wrote but I feel this makes it negative

the palms and soles are naturally effluent
the soles and insteps are naturally influent

The energy centres of the hands and feet , like any other body part , eventually have smaller centres of each element
That is the left foot might be air but it has centres of fire , water , earth and air .
the right side of each foot is male red earth on the right side of the ball of the foot and orange fire on the right side of the heel
the right side of the instep is golden amoris
the left side of each foot is female green air on the left side of the ball of the foot and blue water on the left side of the heel
the left side of the instep is silver akasha

the toes and fingers represent a complete set of elements one of each fire , water , earth and air
the thumbs and big toes are another set of elements

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17th May 2008, 07:27 PM
Corr blimey, I never really looked into it too deeply.
Thanks for your post Clair.
I really need to start reading up on what all the different parts do, rather than my 'just do and see what happens' approach!