View Full Version : is my obe's coming from stress or is it a technique i use?

9th May 2008, 03:38 AM
i kind of got stressed from trying to relax and sleep because i wanted to rest but my family was asking me to do stuff, so i just laid in my bed thinking of different stuff.

as i was thinking of different stuff my third eye turned to the right and there was a woman laying beside me, but she was shape shifting from ugly to pretty to ugly again. when i first turned to the right with my third eye it felt like my third eye was being yanked out of my right eye socket on my physical body.

this technique for thinking of different stuff worked for me two times today when i was tired, the second time my third eye was open but all i did was look at my ceiling. i could be that the woman pulled me through my eye socket or it could have been from tired stress.

10th May 2008, 04:44 PM
might have something to do with your focus? or hypnogynics (however you spell it) images. I've heard something about tension on the third eye helps it come out. I had this intense feeling of fear when my third eye(between the brow) tensed up, i was practising phasing, a technique to OBE. or maybe its clairvoyance vision into the past or something else, your thoughts may even be affecting what you're seeing.

12th May 2008, 02:19 PM
Mental fatigue can help. I had moments when I could not keep up my usual thinking process because I was so tired, and immediately fell into an altered state of consciousness simply because I could not keep waking consciousness up.

Waking consciousness requires energy, too, actually more than relaxing out of it. But we are unaware of it, since we habitually exert it. So we keep on maintaining this state of consciousness throughout our whole hours of waking. If we for example
let go of the thought process, it can rapidly induce altered states of consciousness, but our hard to overcome habit is to hold on to them, assign importance to them, think, think, think, bla. Meditation for example can help untrain this or remove the underlying reasons for *habitual* thought. That's why meditation is not thought suppression, but thought relaxation.

Tireness and tenseness can - paradoxically - allow a glimpse of this, as they sap so much energy that sometimes special circumstances arise that allow for these experiences as we "lose control". I cannot however recommend that as a "technique". ;)

Take good care,

12th May 2008, 02:34 PM
Hey, does the shock we get from sleeping during the day have anythign to do with the out of body?
like when you're not supposed to sleep at the desk and just when you're about to sleep you feel a shock that wakes you up.

12th May 2008, 05:53 PM
Most of the time that's just muscles relaxing due to sleep starting, then you jerk awake because you are losing your posture because your internal warning systems catch on - else you hit the desk. ;)
