View Full Version : dream about AP-ing

8th May 2008, 10:56 AM
Last night I dreamt I was in this house(I dont remember getting there)

It was not very vivid as normal, and parts of the dream went missing on waking. but I just remember it. It was strange . Read on.

when i flew back in, there were my ex boyfriend and my children, I explained to them that I just flew round the house and anyone could do it. Non of them believed me and didn't want to know, so it semed and they were just going about their business, but my daughter found it fascinating.
So I proceeded to teach her how to do it. As she sat there and watched, I went through walls and doors (which felt very dense and heavy, and then said, now watch this, 'there is my body over there',(which it was lay on the bed,) and I remember squeezing myself back in to my body and it felt really hard to do . I wasn't high level lucid, but the lesson seemed to be going well. :) then I rolled over but with great difficulty and flew back out again. then I was showing her that I could move my hand through objects(my hands and whole body was almost see through). My daughter was impressed and then i remember just squeezing my self back into my body and woke up.
It wasn't very clear, but enough to remember the whole thing. It was more wishy washy.

I have had A couple of AP's in my life,One where I was in my actual house on the ceiling and everything was as it was in RL.
And another one in meditation, where I never went to sleep.

just wondering what you guys think this was.

8th May 2008, 11:07 AM
I think this was actually more of a "real" AP than a dream. With those I usually remember less than in dreams. With dreams it seems like I know I missed something, but not-so-much-dreamlike experiences ;) feel more blurry, I don't remember bits missing.

Sounds interesting in any case. You seem to have good confidence and skill in AP. :)


8th May 2008, 11:46 AM
It's funny but the more I try to AP, the less I am able to do so. Probably atral block :x I tried to get into the paralysis mode umpteen times a few weeks ago and could I AP? not on my nelly.
and when I don't wish for it, it happens.
I have been motivated into lucid dreaming just lately, so perhaps this as been a doorway.

I think your right about it being AP, because when I was tring to get back in to my body, before i woke up, i was in my own bed and actually feeling a little anxious that i wouldn't fit...haha, and it was if i was trying to re-align myself in the exact position, and i was lay on my front when i woke up.
the walking through walls was just like when patrick swayze did so in the movie 'ghost..' :P

The thing that had me wondering if it wasn't AP was that I wasn't in complete control. Is this only possible after much experience?

8th May 2008, 12:22 PM
It's funny but the more I try to AP, the less I am able to do so. Probably atral block :x I tried to get into the paralysis mode umpteen times a few weeks ago and could I AP? not on my nelly.
and when I don't wish for it, it happens.
I have been motivated into lucid dreaming just lately, so perhaps this as been a doorway.

Lucid dreaming is just another way to do the same thing - projection, phasing, lucid dreaming... the distrinction might be rather artifical, at least for the result.

Perhaps you try "too hard"? Relaxation of body *and* mind is the key element in actually achieving AP. At least the big enabler. :) I think the sleep paralysis is not necessary. Just a good trance and relaxation.

A good indicator for this is that projections happen when you are not actively trying, but in dreamland after you tried. The same happened to me - the better experiences I had after unsuccessful attempts often into the middle of the night. This indicates one thing: The energy body is ready, the stage is set, the intent is there, else the subconscious mind could not "execute" on your intent. However, something in your conscious mind blocks it - a belief, an unrelaxed mind, a lack of surrendering to the experience instead of forcing it?

Almost all the pieces seem to be in place. In your "dream" you demonstrated not only to your "audience", but to yourself that you possess all the skills to AP. You are quite able to do these things, having shown skill at understanding the astral world, its rules and how to interact with it. I think the demonstration in this "dream" was also for yourself. The dream says "You can do it! Look!", but as it happens only as you pass through unconsciousness into subconsciousness (= falling asleep ;) ), the final element, the key stone that needs to be put into place, seems to be one of attitude, your mental set of beliefs and how you do things.

It is my personal opinion in these things that the right beliefs - or lack of the wrong beliefs :) - is the biggest enabling factor in this. One belief you might have to drop is also "harder is better". Trying harder tenses. Sometimes it requires finding the balance between trying too hard and trying too little, the so-called "effortless effort". When you realise that you already have the skill subconsciously, you might find a way of allowing your subconscious to help you by letting go of trying to overcontrol the experience.

Do not "create" the experience. Allow it. :)

I hope this can help you in some way.

Take good care,

8th May 2008, 02:06 PM
something in your conscious mind blocks it

your spot on Korpo. :)

I had a conscious projection during visualization excersise that turned out rather frighteneing, in which I was shunted back in my body rather very quickly a few years ago. This 'something' that was at first a nice pleasant chappy, turned instantly into a 'spook'...complete with hair stuck on end and scary face. It's intention was to sacre me. Never could manage to 'project' consciously after that. Perhaps lucid dreaming for me holds a more gentle way of projecting, at least until I get back my confidence and control to project again whilst awake.

Thanks again.