View Full Version : Exorcisms in Dreams

6th May 2008, 11:46 PM
Any interpretations and comments will be welcomed:

In early 1995, I was a new single parent of an
eight month old and 2 year old and I moved back with
my mother and two younger sisters. I had begun to
seriously spend much time in prayer and bible reading
and as stress and trauma would have it, I was battling
depression and seeking purpose in life. I taught at a
small, private high school and money was very limited.
I also really didn't like that I moved back home.

My baby was still breastfeeding and would have to be
fed every two hours without delay, throughout the 24
hour day; so I was up many times during the night to
nurse him. On one particular night, he didn't wake up
until after 8 am and I got up sweating and tired from
a night of intense dreaming.

In the dream I was in a metropolitan city in the US I
assume (I live in the Caribbean, so cities like that
don't exist here and I have visited the US a few
times.) I was standing outside of a huge glass and
steel building at just after sunrise, so the light
reflected beautifully from the structure. There was a
youth camp at the building (I wasn't told this in the
dream, I just knew this. And it may be related to the
fact that the school and church I went to were
organising camps at the time).

I climbed the stairs into the building and met/saw
young people who I knew from church or who I taught in
school, and a few neighbours. I actually felt as if I
was aware that I was dreaming and even now, the images
are quite clear.

When I arrived, people were settling into rooms and as
I reached the top of a flight of stairs and was
walking along a corridor, all glass on my right side,
I heard my mother call me. In the dream, I knew she
was in a room at the end of the corridor, but I also
knew that at that distance I was not supposed to hear
her. I instinctively knew this was telepathy.

I raced down the corridor, because of the urgency in
her voice and entered a room where she was. She
pointed to two women who were vomiting violently and
who seemed not to be in control of themselves. I
looked at her with a puzzled looked on my face and
asked what was I supposed to do. Heal them I heard and
I knew this voice must be God.

I asked nothing and said nothing,but instinctively
went to them, laid hands on them, prayed and cast out
the demons. By the time I finished, a crowd had
gathered and as I was about to leave the room (with my
mother giving instructions to others to clean up),
there was another commotion outside and I saw two
small children (boys) held by their mothers (I
automatically knew they were the mothers) who were
also screaming, thrashing and vomiting.

I laid hands on and healed the first boy, looking
directly 'into' him and fighting mentally
(spiritually?) the entity that possessed him. It was a
hard fight and longer than with the women. I went to
the second boy and started the same work, but the
entity in him was unrelenting and soon I began to feel
fear for the first time in the dream. The thing in him
laughed at me and said I would never get this one
back; that I wasn't going to win this one. (All this
was sent to me telepathically).

I said to God that I can't win this one and I really
felt a great sense of fear. But the Voice/God said to
me: "Yes you can. What you are seeing is a Lie. Don't
believe it." I didn't argue, I laid hands on the boy
and fought long and hard, ignoring all fear, which
completely disappeared after a while. I sensed the
entire camp around me while I performed these healings
and when I was finished with the boys, it was night
time and after being thanked profusely by crying
mothers, I started back down the corridor to leave.
Everyone had begun to leave as well and it seemed that
the camp was cancelled and I remember thinking in the
dream whether the camp was cancelled because of the
events or whether it was just a camp for one day. As I
was walking down the steps, I woke up and looked in
amazement at my baby, who for the first time slept
through the night and started back his usual two-hour
feeding from the next night 'til I weaned him at one year old!

10th May 2008, 09:22 PM
It doesnt matter finding who you actually exorcised, this isnt a dream that needs to be interpreted, but one about realizing your own strength, which you did. The dream serves as a reminder to you that you are more powerfull than the dark, and all you have to do is be confident.

12th May 2008, 12:07 PM
This is such an interesting dream and corresponds in some aspects with one I had a couple of years ago. Alas, I refused to carry out the exorcism that was required of me on a small child called Emily. My conversation with the beastie was somewhat similar to yours, only, I let him undermine me.