View Full Version : Dream about having an OBE and stuck on the ceiling!!!

6th May 2008, 10:53 PM
Hi everyone, (LONG POST; SORRY!)

I'm new to this community to to metaphysics, so my journey has just begun (though I've had many 'paranormal' experiences growing up). I have never as far as I can consciously recall, ever had an OBE or Astral Projection, but my recent studies and energy work I believe have influenced my dreams to the point where I can't quite tell dreams from spiritual experiences. Here is what happened:

I fell asleep telling myself that I would have an Astral Projection and it seems that I got the pseudo version :? :!: (LOL!). I dreamt that just as I was falling asleep, I begin to feel very light and separate from my body; but my eyes are still closed, and I felt anxious about the exit and I woke up/opened my eyes (in the dream I think,'cause I'm still not sure). I acknowledged my anxiety, calmed myself and said to myself I'll try again. So I go back into sleep, eyes closed and behind closed eyes, I'm aware that I begin to feel light again and separate and retreat into my body due to lingering fear/anxiety. I open my eyes, calm myself and again begin to fall asleep and just then begin to feel like I'm floating. This third time I allow it to happen and calmly separate from my body and actually climb over myself, looked at myself and came off the bed, looking at my body asleep and feeling very elated!! My vision was a bit fuzzy and reminded me of the 'night vision' appearance on video cameras.

I decided then to test out my 'body' and began floating around the room and enjoying the 'flight.' I then tried to exit my room by floating upwards and hoping to pass through the ceiling and out of the house. I hit my head on the ceiling ( :oops: ) a few times and realised I could not get out. It didn't hurt since the ceiling (in the dream) was a sheet of white padded material, so it was quite soft. But in my real room, the ceiling is partly wooden beams (brown) and only part is white and concrete.

Anyway, I realised I couldn't get out of the room and I re-entered my body. I awoke, in the dream and told my fiancee, who lives with me, what I experienced and showed him the dent/head impression in soft padded ceiling where I tried to exit. I showed him to prove that it happened, since the ceiling is too high for me to reach and the impression wasn't there when we went to bed.

We then went back to bed (in the dream), then I woke up. I shared the dream with him, and he had a good laugh at it, but boy was I disappointed.

Lots of feedback welcomed!!

7th May 2008, 01:06 AM
Everything about your dream tells me that you had a bona fide OBE, but didn't have enough energy to continue going up and the projection degenerated into a dream due to reality fluctuations, and became a 'false awakening'.
What specifically makes you think it was not a 'real' OBE?

7th May 2008, 12:55 PM
Everything was a bit fuzzy/blurry, even though my thoughts and feelings were quite strong and clear. I guess since my fiancee was in the 'dream part,' of the experience, I assumed the whole thing must have been a dream. Any suggestions on what to do next time?

7th May 2008, 02:37 PM
Do a lot of energy work- when you have an RTZ OBE most of the energy you have is used to 'feed' the projectable double. So if your energy isn't the 'best' to start with, you'll use a lot of it to get out, and then will lose lucidity and will 'fall' into a dream. That's ok, as long as you are lucid enough to see 'where' the situation changes. After all, a dream is a type of projection, and if you're lucid you can always leave it and re-project. Or use it as a platform to take off and project into the astral. The trick is to not lose lucidity, because after lucidity comes memory, and that's the problem you don't want to have.