View Full Version : Are Astral Planes actually Inner Realms?

5th May 2008, 03:09 AM
Robert, I firmly believe that most Astral Projetions are projections into inner realms. In other words, purely subjective experiences of dimensions found within our individual minds, rather than planes of a more objective nature, such as the after death areas( such as Monroe's focus levels ). What is your opinion of this theory? Can you provide examples from your personal experience? Having had many OBEs and other multidimensional experiences, yet no verifications, it is difficult to asertain whether or not I am experiencing an inner realm or an outer one, such as the afterlife dimensions. Besides verifications, how do you differentiate between the two?

Robert Bruce
13th December 2008, 03:13 PM

What you say is basically true, from a certain perspective.

But first you would have to identify where your mind exists. Try pointing to where your mind is. Then try to define its boundaries. Then think of all the other minds around you. And then think of how they are all connected.....hmmm...maybe all a part of the same thing, the same Source. So, in that sense, that all is one, that the entire universe and all living things are a part of the one Source, the idea of projecting into inner realms of that Source mind is very solid. And the above includes afterlife realms. These places do not exist in a physical place. You can't point to them. So they are also inside of you.

In this sense, everything exists within you when you go within. As above, so below....as outside, so inside.

I suggest you take each experience for what it is. Personal experience will help you to discern fantasy from things that are really happening, or things that are important.

Affirmations and intention will help you find your way.
