View Full Version : discharging massive amounts of sexual frustration energy

5th May 2008, 01:57 AM
I recently had a neg in my left hip, which I got rid of. It fed off of sexual frustration energy and repressed anger that I had stored there. Now that it's gone, I'm feeling energy, mostly sexual in nature, build up in that area. It's as if all the energies that were being siphoned there by the neg, are still going there, but they're not being eaten and processed by the neg, they're just sitting there now.

What should I do to solve this energy build-up problem? I imagine a two-pronged solution, where I learn to redirect my sexual energies to whereever they are supposed to go instead of all to my left hip, and where I also drain off the existing energies there as needed. The problem is, I try siphoning off the sexual energies down my leg and through my foot into the ground, and I barely feel any relief. If engage in an activity that ends in sexual release, that also only gives relief for about five minutes. Is persistance the key here, or is there some stronger method I could employ to drain off all this excess?

I'm kind of afraid that if this buildup continues I'll be tempted to let the neg back in just to friggen get rid of the problem. That, I know, would only cause other problems, and so I want to "head all those difficulties off at the pass" by taking action to ease the buildup now. If it comes to a battle of wills where I just have to do my best to not let the neg back in, so be it, but I'd rather not find myself in that position if I can help it.

5th May 2008, 02:14 AM
I recommend you relocate the energy to the base chakra and work to pull it up through the chakras all the way to your heart chakra. This sounds harder than it is, and channeling it there can then help you release it through your arms and out your hands, or just leave it there.
I have done this before and it works-however it can trigger a projection, so make sure this is desired. Do a lot of shielding while you do it and some prayer- in other words transmute the 'lower' (not 'less good', just 'more earthy') sexual energies into love energy and you'll be ok.
I use rythmic breathing to do this- the advantage of it being sexual is that it's easier to feel, so you know exactly where it's going.
Good luck and God bless.

5th May 2008, 02:55 AM
I haven't done much work at all on my primary centers, but now that I've been doing NEW on my secondary system for a year, it's probobly a good time to start.

Thank you again, CFTraveler. I hope one day I am as knowledgeable as the mods here and can contribute as much to the forums.

5th May 2008, 02:55 PM
You're welcome. I hope it was helpful.

9th May 2008, 05:34 PM
Yup, pranayama helps to deal with my sexual energies too. But I must do it every other day. :)
I do the exercise in Liber E.

10th May 2008, 12:07 AM
Thanks for your reply. =) What is pranayama and Liber E?

10th May 2008, 12:27 AM
Thanks for your reply. =) What is pranayama and Liber E? Pranayama is 'breathing energy', in other words breathing exercises to move prana (life energy) throughout the body. When you move energy using the breath, you are doing pranayama. Many Indian traditions use various techniques, and we do too, we just don't call it pranayama. :wink:
I believe Liber E is one of the books in Thelema or Thelemic magic, the discipline Alestair Crowley practiced. He may have written Liber E, but I could be wrong about that.
(BTW, Liber is latin for book- so it would be 'Book E')