View Full Version : To Robert: Short And Sweet NEW-ADVICE-??

2nd May 2008, 04:53 AM
hello robert. i'm just starting your NEW system.
thanks a lot for what you've done and all that you've helped.
i'll make this short and sweet haha. here goes.

to pull energy into my being i don't close my eyes, i don't zone out...
but i soften my focus so that i'm not concentrating on anything. then i "visualize"
my awareness hands with my eyes opened. when i close my eyes the picture is too clear
it isn't tactile imaging anymore. it's like i see real life images with my eyes closed.

Q: is it better to work at having my eyes closed or will the system work with my technique of soft focus?

another quick one if your up for it

Q: you mention a precise difference in feeling of energy being unblocked and neg. attachment (like a bug is stuck on the skin trying to get off)
what are these differences in feeling when you contrast the two.
i want to make sure i'm making positive progress and not the other way around you know?

Very grateful for all your help.

Robert Bruce
13th December 2008, 02:28 PM

You will be better off doing energy work with your eyes open, until you get used to moving energy with your sense of touch.

Rub and clap your hands together and make fists to cause a residual sensation in your hands. Move this residual sensation back and forth through your hands, fingertips to wrists. This is tactile imaging.

Later, you can use visual visualization to enhance energy work actions, to add qualities to the energy tools you are using.

The difference in feeling you ask me to describe is difficult. The energy body can cause a big variety of sensations, including when blockages are cleared. It is impossible to say 'that type is neg related' and 'that type is safe'. Sorry.

But negs will not usually just cause an odd sensation. There will be a lot more going on, atmospheres and phenomena, and not just some odd energy sensations.
