30th April 2008, 07:54 PM
Hey there. I just recently began practicing a simplified method of T'ai Chi Ch'uan (Yang family style). It seems to me that Tai Chi is the best way to strengthen your energy and keep good physical health. The author of the book I'm reading claimed that he started practicing Tai Chi during a period of very poor health (he had tuberculosis), and after seven years of practicing Tai Chi everyday, his illness completely left him. I also ran across a couple of videos showing Tai Chi (and various other internal martial arts) experts using what they call "fa jing" energy to deflect opponents without even touching them. These can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KxA6H4aUg.
Anyways, I'm very serious about mastering astral projection, strengthening my energy system, and greatly improving my physical health. What is you personal opinion about Tai Chi, and what would you suggest I do to reach my goals?
Anyways, I'm very serious about mastering astral projection, strengthening my energy system, and greatly improving my physical health. What is you personal opinion about Tai Chi, and what would you suggest I do to reach my goals?