View Full Version : If you have mastered the NOW, is kundalini useful anymore?

30th April 2008, 02:23 AM
I used to think about raising kundalini, but I have had some "amazing experiences" with the NOW, so to speak.

I am sure you know, that in that ego-less state, language loses all meaning when trying to describe it.

Anyway, I have fallen one time so deep into the NOW, that I started to think the NOW is actually limitless, you can go deeper and deeper. I actually can maintain a full NOW awareness when I want to. Most importantly, I realize I am not me.

Anyway, my question is, does kundalini have any purpose for people who realize they are the observer and not the thought "I", the little self?

Is kundalini now obsolete?

Robert Bruce
1st May 2008, 12:50 AM

Being able to stay present in the now will encourage the evolutionary energies of kundalini to rise.

Kundalini is in everyone. When triggered, it evolves you to a higher level of consciousness.

These things go hand in hand, but one will not replace the other.
