View Full Version : Does attempting OOB actually DRAIN energy?

29th April 2008, 09:00 AM
Hello Robert ,

I've recently got back into energy raising and OOB inducement after a 3 year stint.
My question is this -

If im raising energy, say for about 30 minutes and feel a strong pulse and storage of energy has been accumulated,
if I then attempt an OOB (by say, using ROPE) and fail in projecting, am I technically wasting all that storage energy, or am I actually 'grabbing' more energy during the process?

I guess what im saying is, if I fail a projection, should I re-store the energy in another 30 min session to get it back?

I also know its a bit cheeky asking another question, but it sort of ties in!!

How often do you feel energy SHOULD be raised in order to get a good strong growth in your energybody. I do about one 30 minute session per day, plus many quick storage raising on way to work, etc.
Is this safe?

Thankyou for your time!!!


Robert Bruce
13th December 2008, 01:58 PM

OBE does not usually drain one of energy.

What you do after an obe or obe attempt would depend on how you feel.

What you do per day is fine.

You might like to look into Qi Gong, too.

One to two hours per day are recommended for good progress. But this should include a variety of exercises, including mental exercise and meditation, etc.
