View Full Version : the after effects of spiritual attack

27th April 2008, 04:51 PM
My name is Annis and I'm writing to you from Finland. You have written excellent books and articles about psychic self-defense and healing, so I'm hoping you can help me.
A while back my little sister was attacked very viciously several times by the same spirit. I won't go into too much detail here since this is a public forum and the details could disturb people and anyways that is not the problem any more. I was able to get the spirit to stop.

But now she is suffering from serious after effects. When I look at her energy it looks like there is "a hole" in her soul and all of her energy is falling out from that hole. She has symptoms of depression, but she cannot (and will not) go to a shrink, since she cannot explain what happened to her without them thinking it is her imagination. She also has problems with her heart and blood pressure. She has been constantly sick. She still has nightmares about the events and dreams where she for example wakes up sliced in half and is thinking that it might not be so bad if it were real. This has been going on for about six months now, she is 17 years old.

I have given her advice to try and relax as much as she can, do the things that she enjoys, be close to nature and get a good "grounding" hobby. However with the seriousness of her symptoms I feel that it is not enough and she is in dire need of soul repair.

I would be happy on any advice on this matter, since I fear for her life. I will be happy to provide you with more details if needed.

Robert Bruce
10th December 2008, 02:14 PM

First, I recommend my book, Energy Work, and the healing and self healing methods it offers. This book is primarily about self development and self healing.

I recommend a raw food organic diet. This will help greatly.

I recommend you find a loving psychologist to help.

I recommend you find a good healer for your sister in your area.

As with anything like this, how much can be done will depend on how willing your sister is to help herself by making positive and healthy life changes.
