View Full Version : Women with sunglasses

26th April 2008, 10:52 AM
This particular dream was very interesting, don't know what to think of it but it has some signs that make me think. I think it has like three themes, not sure. Heres the dream:

I'm in my living room sitting in the recliner chair and it's dark. When this women comes in, not sure from where but she looked like a ghost (had blue skin not to dark or light) but at the same time human and she was wearing sunglasses. She had a in her hand a needle shot but without a needle. I wasn't sure what to expect, so I was a little bit worried. She inject the shot on my left arm, it didn't hurt but my left arm felt like it was broken into little pieces on the inside. She then proceeds on telling me some kind of information but I'm not sure what that information was and also tells me that this other person has had the shot.

I then was transfer into this locker room, when I noticed this person looked familiar. So we start talking and I tell her if she has ever gotten a shot from the women that gave me one. She then tells me yes and is very delighted to hear so. Their was a person standing next to her, that called her sister so when I started talking about the shot she seemed kind of confused of what we were talking about. It was night so we decided to walk towards the town, it seemed like their was some kind festival. I guess we walked towards her home sense it was closed by, we finished walking the bridge that was closed to town. While walking their was this black car flashing the lights and making engine sounds. I thought it was someone drunk so I told her to be careful, the car then turns right and speeds off near the water at the end of the bridge. We didn't do anything and continued walking towards her home.

She then tells me to wait outside and so I sit near the cement stairs. While being outside I noticed three big lion cubs, inside a rail black fence. The fence doesn't seem so high, so I was a little bit worried. I see this family and they're intrigued by the lion cubs. They had two children one girl and one boy. I then decide to go inside the house just in case, when one of lion cubs starts following me. I was ready to close the door when the cub decided to push the door so it could get in. The sister from the locker room told the cub to go away, so I was very relieve. I come inside and I guess the family from the person that I met in the locker room was actually eating dinner. So I just sat quietly, I then hear one of the family members that was outside screaming. I'm not really sure what to do, but the family thats inside just sits quietly while eating dinner. Once the screaming noise stops the family at the table put there faces down in shame like if they couldn't do anything. I was thinking to myself that maybe the situation has happened before and it was like a routine for them. I'm still waiting for the person that I met in the locker room to come out of her room. While it's early morning almost sunrise, the family inside the house turns the television to hear the news of the family that was killed by the cubs. It then shows the family getting attacked by the cubs. In one scenes the mother of the children gets a hit in the face by one of the cubs paw. It then shows that the mother acted before, before that she did this scary movie and she was the killer. She then stated that she had an idea for the role, that it would be good idea to killed the victims by hitting them in the face by such a hard force. I then asked the dad why didn't he had a bigger fence and what was his intentions? He didn't answer back and I could tell everyone in the room didn't really enjoy my question. The person in the locker room finally comes out of her room. I got up and ready to get out of that house. I'm not sure but the Dad tells her something while I was going to say something. I think he was trying to cover up the whole thing. Plus I was thinking maybe she was adopted or something she just didn't seem to fit in :|.

While walking once passing the bridge and we go near this busy highway. Upon arriving we stop on a bus stop but then I noticed she changes into some kind of character, not in a negative way but in a cool way. Mostly the appearance, very colorful like some kind of African tropical clothes but modern.

Then the dream stops and I'm redirected to this old apartment, it doesn't look to old but seems like it. The person that lives in it, has this challenge to make a food dish. He then starts cutting this bread that seems awfully hard to, every time he tries to cut it; it makes the apartment vibrate. In some situations it makes cars turn on the alarm system. He then goes to the store, I then notice these two young kids. They seem to be looking for something, not sure but I join the hunting. After looking for something particular that I had no idea what it was, we finally found something and it was a big white medium box. I was ready to closed the door, while the young kids slight opened the box. When the owner of the house yelled not to open the box. I shut the door but the lights went off, after two seconds the lights came back on. There was some kind of security people inside with guns. One of them was actually on top of the sealing pointing the gun towards me.

All three of us, started running towards the bridge there was helicopters and some kind of security trying to track us down. But we had guns in our hands and we started shooting anyone who tried to stop us. Even the family that had the lions where their as well, in which the sister from the locker room dies from a mistake that the family made. I think it was some kind of bomb not sure. Anyways we start running, and all of the sudden we seem to be followed. Almost in each tree some kind of security person jumps out and throws this silver coin and we think its some kind of a bomb, not sure. But we try to get away. At the end we see a lot of cars lining up to leave the town, and so we hop in one of them.

Not sure what this dream means, so I would like to hear some opinions so I can make some sense out of this. All I can think is current change in the world, because I been thinking about it a lot.

Hopefully the dream wasn't extremely to long to read :mrgreen:.

27th April 2008, 07:26 PM
I'm in my living room sitting in the recliner chair and it's dark. When this women comes in, not sure from where but she looked like a ghost (had blue skin not to dark or light) but at the same time human and she was wearing sunglasses. She had a in her hand a needle shot but without a needle. I wasn't sure what to expect, so I was a little bit worried. She inject the shot on my left arm, it didn't hurt but my left arm felt like it was broken into little pieces on the inside. She then proceeds on telling me some kind of information but I'm not sure what that information was and also tells me that this other person has had the shot.

I wanted to comment on this - high vibration entities of a strong energy are reported to be seen with disguises, extra clothing, shielding or sunglasses in order to "tone down" their energy towards you. This might been something like a healing or attuning from a Guide or Helper.

Many of the things that filter through our subconscious can seem very symbolic or like wrapped in a dream. A remote healing I got seemed to me like a dream in a treatment room, and the thing that got removed seemed like maggots. These are just symbolic images the subconscious uses to translate a real event from another level of perception. The sunglasses made me think of references where I read about entities shielding their energy emission to avoid overwhelmed reactions in the people they dealt with.

It's not unusual to not remember info from OBE or similar experiences - like what you read in a book you were shown or what somebody told you. Your subconscious remembers, and it might resurface when time is ready.

Take good care,

4th May 2008, 04:17 AM
I'm in my living room sitting in the recliner chair and it's dark. When this women comes in, not sure from where but she looked like a ghost (had blue skin not to dark or light) but at the same time human and she was wearing sunglasses. She had a in her hand a needle shot but without a needle. I wasn't sure what to expect, so I was a little bit worried. She inject the shot on my left arm, it didn't hurt but my left arm felt like it was broken into little pieces on the inside. She then proceeds on telling me some kind of information but I'm not sure what that information was and also tells me that this other person has had the shot.

I wanted to comment on this - high vibration entities of a strong energy are reported to be seen with disguises, extra clothing, shielding or sunglasses in order to "tone down" their energy towards you. This might been something like a healing or attuning from a Guide or Helper.

Many of the things that filter through our subconscious can seem very symbolic or like wrapped in a dream. A remote healing I got seemed to me like a dream in a treatment room, and the thing that got removed seemed like maggots. These are just symbolic images the subconscious uses to translate a real event from another level of perception. The sunglasses made me think of references where I read about entities shielding their energy emission to avoid overwhelmed reactions in the people they dealt with.

It's not unusual to not remember info from OBE or similar experiences - like what you read in a book you were shown or what somebody told you. Your subconscious remembers, and it might resurface when time is ready.

Take good care,

If this entities lower there vibrations, then does that mean you don't feel some kind of connection?

4th May 2008, 04:18 PM
No, it means that you can perceive them without getting hurt. Kind of the same difference than looking at the sun at noon with bare eyes vs. some sort of filter (like a welder's helmet, for instance). The connection is there, but without the burning eyeballs.