View Full Version : Ear rushing - Thanks for the sticky

25th April 2008, 01:17 PM
I was so relieved to read this in the energy work side effect sticky.

* A rushing sound in the ears - like if air is streaming rapidly. This usually denotes enhanced energy flow, especially when encountered during energy work.

*Pulsing where blood flow is restored until the blood has fully revived the clogged up flow. Often perceived at the temples, for example.

I have been working with the scar tissue behind my ear, and had a "breakthrough" point where a lot of blockages suddenly cleared up.

But a major side effect that has concerned me has been a LOUD! RUSHING! PULSING! NOISE! in that ear / temple, along with popping / crackling / creaking / ringing. This has only occurred in the last 3 days or so, concomitant with energy work only. I sometimes get a loud pulse in my left ear, but this is nothing like that... this sounds like elves crunching cereal deep inside my ear / temple. It made me concerned about continuing, even though the "crackling" sensation, like fibers snapping, is something I get as a side effect of blockages clearing in many parts of my body. Half of me was thinking "I dunno if this is right..." and the other half was thinking "Cool.. something different that's moving... let's just go with it!"

It's not painful. Just LOUD.

Other nice side effects have been a brief OBE (I looked at a location in a mirror and rather than it becoming a portal to travel to that location, the rest of the area BECAME that location, as if it turned from a mirror to a window to an empty frame.. fascinating phenom), and some astral sight during meditation. (I saw what could have been a neg? It looked a slowly whirling black tornado made of black cellophone, or a bunch of small dots)


25th April 2008, 01:36 PM
A hearing check-up with a doctor should usually be harmless. Have you considered one? IIRC you reported some problems in the area before - maybe scarred tissue...?

The process of a part of your hearing going numb is usually accompanied by ringing. IIRC an actress in a movie called that the "swan song" for that frequency, as you don't hear it again - IIRC that was in Julianne Moore in "Children of Men"...

So, restoring blood flow into the ear for me can make gushing or rushing sounds, as this is the general sound you get when blood pumps through your ears more strongly in my experience. A swishing or rushing. Ringing I experience whenever my hearing ability changes - either before going numb or before reviving. I've always had a certain amount of tinnitus for years, but it varies strongly.

I get the crunchy/unwinding/crackling noises usually wherever I have something unwinding with a muscle or a joint, but there are some tissues in the ear whose mobility could vary, too, I'm not too sure about that, though. IIRC there are tissues in the ear that can calcify, and maybe energy work can reverse or alleviate that? Wherever there was calcification I got those noises. Now imagine the same noises as if somebody used your skull or ear as amplifier...

Pulsing sensations I get where blood starts to flow more strongly, like liquid through a membrane - making its way by building pressure, I guess. This pulsing I got at the temples and the pelvis, mostly, but should be possible everywhere, too.

Take good care,

25th April 2008, 10:51 PM
Are you getting the sounds all throughout the day, or primarily at certain times?

If you are experiencing them mostly at night, or during periods of deep relaxation or meditation, you could be experiencing astral sounds, or head explosions (its in the wikipedia), or something like that. Are you experiencing this during only certain times of day or states of being?

26th April 2008, 10:17 AM
Hi Oliver! The ear problems are decades old, so a hearing test wouldn't tell me anything I don't already know (unless I have lost more of the hearing then I already have lost).

But as you said, a visit to the doctor never hurts. I was just so relieved to read this in your post as a common side effect to energy work. It felt a bit weird to be running around thinking "I wonder if rushing sounds in your ears could possibly be related to energy work as a side effect?" I get ringing in that ear occasionally, but it's pretty rare. The swishing/rushing is what I am getting the most in the last few days, and as you said.. the amplification effect... it is swishing all through my temple / ear in quite a large area, and it's just so... PRESENT. I was so used to having my energy served very warm and soft and subtle... THIS izza one spicy meatball! Anything that abruptly tips one's equilibrium takes a moment to assess whether it's a risk to one's health or not. I was so glad to read that it could be a side effect of energy work, instead of worrying I was undergoing some kind of a stroke or something.

sleeper, it is only prominent during energy work / later at night. Present while I am fully awake though. Doesn't seem too similar to astral noise to me. My intuition says it's related to what Oliver said about pulsing/circulation and more blood rushing through an area... because it's timed to my pulse.

27th April 2008, 08:58 AM
THIS izza one spicy meatball!

Mega- :lol:

because it's timed to my pulse.

I think that is a pretty strong indication about what is happening. Do you remember a time when you were really stressed out or frightened, like when you can hear your heart beating and your blood rushing? If the pulse is very strong in my experience it can be heard. Something similarly might be at work here - when rather tight vessels pump more blood.

Take good care,

29th April 2008, 01:04 PM
I seem to have adjusted to the change so far. The rushing has definitely subsided.

A neat thing... this morning I was dozing and realized that I was looking at a chair, in a room. I had that "eyes wide shut" feeling and was lucid and was even able to "blink" without losing sight of the chair. Also, the entire scene was bathed in a gorgeous violet/blueish purple calm glow, but if I turned my vision to the side, the colors were more pink/gold.