View Full Version : Cats & Chipmunk

21st April 2008, 11:34 AM
I thought I build on the new trend of having animal-related dreams. ;)

I was in the garden of my childhood home, taking two cats out. :?:

One was an orange tabby, but I thought it was my mom's cat Shakira (which it wasn't). Something was rustling in the grass, and I saw in a closeup that it was a cute hamster. I kept remembering "chipmunk" ever since the dream, but it looked like a hamster also.

The chipmunk/hamster fled, and the cat chased him. I thought "She's not gonna get him, he's too far ahead." As the chipmunk reached the wire-link fence to the neighbours, the cat hit it with the paw, and it was like *KAPOW*. The chipmunk flew in an arc into the neighbouring garden, which was one big vegetable bed (nothing growing at the moment, that's how their garden looked every spring).

The cat pushed against the fence in its chase, making some comical moves (running on the spot) and slipped through, ran there and put a paw on the chipmunk. Then I saw in close-up a satisfied grin on the face of the cat (my wife had remarked she had seen a cat smile once in her life the day before) and then she ate the chipmunk in a puddle of blood. Too much blood for a mere chipmunk.

Then the cats wanted back in and I tried to warn my mother that the cat had a bloody face and she might leave the blood on the carpet. End of dream.

My mood in the dream was one of fascinated observer. My viewpoint seemed to change from total scene to closeup and back, and only the parts that required me for the action to unfold I had a feeling of being part of it. The gruesome bloody scene of the cat devouring her prey, however cute the hamster had been, didn't trigger much feelings in me, to me it was just "what cats do", the workings of nature.


22nd April 2008, 04:30 AM
I thought I build on the new trend of having animal-related dreams. ;)
Wonder whats up with that.