View Full Version : weirdest night sleep ever

17th April 2008, 09:57 AM
OK, this might take me a while to explain.

last night I was at my PC working on some pictures, I didn't realize the time and I got hungry, so I ordered some Pizza and a bottle of coke.
I don't really know why I think this had anything to do with what happened but anyway, after I ate and drank I started getting tired so I went to bed.
when I lay down in bed I started feeling a little weird, really tired but at the same time my mind was flying and I couldn't nod off or close my eyes.
after a while I started getting vibrations as I would when I AP or OBE but my eyes were open,
next thing this women comes into my room, real as you like, and starts pulling me off my bed by the feet, picks me up and starts carrying me around.
my eyesight was getting garbled and confused, but I could see she was bringing me around my room and then putting me back on my bed. anyways I snapped out of it and was back on my bed as normal, but almost instantly it started happening again, only it was my brother this time, and his son, they started grabbing my hand and biting on it, I snapped back out of it again, at this stage I almost felt like I was drugged, felt really terrible, I turned in my bed and faced my room, and lay there for a moment, the vibrations returned, and instantly, the spare TV on my floor started morphing shape and dancing, making this weird screaming sound, though not that loud, I kinda laughed at this time.

Anyways, I got back up feeling a little terrified and had a cigarette, got my head back together and drank some water, felt awful and didn't really want to go back to sleep for fear of it happening again. after about 30 minutes reading news and wasting time at my PC I got back into bed, I lay down and closed my eyes.
after about a minute, the sound of my room was replaced by the sound of traffic and people, then a girl asking me if I was ok, I opened my eyes and I'm lying on a path on O'Connell street in Dublin with a small crowd gathering, the one girl put her hand out and helped me stand up, now, when I say this felt real, I mean it was real, absolutely 100% convinced I was somehow in town, I started panicking a bit and tried to run, but I felt like I was drunk.

As I ran I heard somebody calling my name, when I looked over it was four of my friends, all across the road at a taxi rank, and all pretty drunk themselves, when I went over to them they where saying "we thought we lost you, you went missing a few minutes ago".. I started really getting frightened and started saying that I was in bed just a moment ago and I don't have any idea why I'm in the city center, they all started laughing at me saying I must be really drunk and other typical drunken banter zings.. my mouth was getting really dry and I got desperate for a drink, so I went into a shop and bought a can of coke, which actually seemed to do the trick.

Now, after a few minutes of this my vision started to black out and I started becoming aware of my bed again, but before I even realized it I was on a bus.. 100% real again. I ran to the bus driver and asked him the time, he said it was 9:15 and that the next stop was the last one.

When I got off the bus I hadn't a clue where I was, I started asking stranger what date it was, but nobody would tell me, they kept treating me like I was a drunken idiot and laughing. before I could really figure where I was it faded again and all of a sudden I'm at a party with my friends all sitting around drinking in this house I've never been at, and just as quick I was at a Tram line with one of my oldest mates, there was a crowd around waiting also, I kept asking him the time, and where we'd been, I said I should be in bed, that I was in bed just 20 minutes ago and I've no idea whats going on. he said I was crazy, we where at a party and I must have taken something. anyways, at this stage I though it must be some kind of Astral projection or crazy lucid dream. to prove to him I tried to lift off the ground, as I can normally fly when I have these things, so I jumped and tried to lift off the ground but instead fell straight onto the ground, it actually hurt, but when I opened my eyes I was on the floor of my bedroom. I had fallen out of bed.

The mind truly is an amazing thing.

Sorry if I rambled and went on a bit, with no real wrap up, but I felt I had to share this bizarre experience and see if anyone else has had similar things happen.

Thanks for reading :)


17th April 2008, 11:18 AM
Caffeine for me does not prevent getting sleepy, but finding sleep. Drifting in all kind of weird in-between states there is a possibility to stay awake even though the oncoming relaxation put you into a trance state conducive to OBE experiences. It is not called mind awake/body asleep for nothing. Caffeine and late eating really disturb my sleep and make me toss and turn and have weird dreams and generally a disturbing night. Depending on your level of lucidity and/or natural openness of the third eye this might turn into something similar as you experienced.

Take good care,

17th April 2008, 02:29 PM
Position causes this effect for me. I call it 'projecting in place' because I feel like I've projected but the astral went to my room and I'm still on the bed completely paralyzed and at the mercy of whoever's there, be they aspects of myself (which is what I strongly suspect) or anyone else.
Sometimes this happens to me when I come back from a projection and don't fully reintegrate- then I start having bilocal input, and the projection combines with the information from my physical body, which isn't fully unconscious, and I get the groggyness and drunk feeling that is probably the physical body's contribution to the experience.
In my case it happens if I lay down on my right side- it brings on sp and then it's downhill from there- and when I project repeatedly (which I suspect had something to do with it) I start losing control. I suspect this is what happened to you, prompted by the effects of caffeine, which didn't let you get completely comfortable to escape via sleep.

17th April 2008, 06:50 PM
Thanks for the responses guys,

Funny thing is, I do love coffee and I have drank a cup before sleep a few times, but it never caused this..
I do rarely drink coke though :o

It wasn't a nice experience at all, merely interesting to me, not sure I want to do it again. :)
