View Full Version : recurring dream

Jenn Lynn
16th April 2008, 03:40 AM
OK this one has been bugging me for 2 months now, so WHAT GIVES. every time i start getting very focused on spiritual goals and my energy body starts really charging up i start having this dream again. i'm always barefoot and either walking on ground or in water and i step on something that cuts into and lodges in the sole of my right foot only, its been anything from shards of glass to thorns to cactus needles (always something excruciatingly different :evil: ), and i end up sitting down and spending considerable time pulling stuff out. not cool.

my initial feeling is that this represents some sort of energy block, but the funny thing is that i'm not really physically feeling any sort of blockage when im raising energy in my body during meditation...i feel equal amounts of energy in both feet and it moves up both legs at the same pace, regardless of how quickly i do it...but theres obviously something going on that im unaware of. would this be related to grounding or my astral body or something ?? fix me!! :D

16th April 2008, 06:33 AM
When you start to engage in spiritual growth, you always, invariably, and without fail turn up stuff that needs to be dealt with in your ego or your emotional self or some other part of you. Always. Even people who have been at it for many years still find "stuff" that needs to be found, healed, released, etc.

To me, this dream seems to be something that's telling you that as you walk on, you'll have to deal with pain, with hurts, with injuries, etc., and it will slow you down as you deal with it. I think it's just a basic warning dream, so you know what to expect (I get those a lot).

Just accept that you'll have "stuff" to deal with as you journey forward, know that you'll have to sit down and deal with it. And then you start walking again... ;)

16th April 2008, 08:38 PM
Another possibility is that you are getting some sort of energetic attunement. I'd look into what they may represent- right foot, earth element (glass, thorns, cactus needles) sound like earth element (right foot is earth, if I remember correctly) and left foot is water (Aunt Clair would know this better.) I wonder if the walking on water had any results on your left foot? Just ideas that came to me as I was reading this.

Jenn Lynn
16th April 2008, 09:02 PM
yay! thanks for the feedback so far, and let me clarify a bit, while i can see the warning dream as a likely explanation a few years ago, my impression is that this is a bit more direct...my dreams over the past two years have become much more literal than metaphorical, which is why i feel im being shown something that im simply not aware of yet or havent been introduced to...the details just seem to be way too specific.

of course i cant discount the possibility of both explanations so far being equally valid (things get so complex!) :)

i'll look more into the energetic attunement factors, and im not sure i noticed anything unusual about my left foot, but im going to double check tonight. one thing in particular that i do recall is that during one episode when i was pulling shards of glass out, i distinctly remember feeling the blood flooding out of my foot, although this didnt happen with the needles the other night. the focus at that time was my effort to meticulously remove the needles with a pair of tweezers :?