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13th April 2008, 07:20 AM
A predictive dream or two:

As you know, I'm a high school teacher and I began a new job this term. Last year before I'd even applied for the job I had a dream I was in my classroom teaching when I noticed an anomaly. Down the back of my room were two backboards. They were covered in news clippings and I approached in an effort to read. From memory, I was on the brink of lucidity or fleetingly lucid in this dream.

It turns out that one of the new classrooms I teach History in has two chalkboards on the back wall (no news clippings though I have noticed one covered in photos recently). I have also had a deja vu while teaching my class in this room.

Saturday March 15, 2008

Had a day sleep because I was feeling nauseous and extremely tired. Dreamt copiously. I’m glad I recorded them because this one has turned out to be of interest:

Now I’m in a room with Anthony Grezelka* and another man. They are saying that before we (me and the other students present) can become mediums there will be a test. My ten year old sits on my lap and says, “I’m a medium, aren’t I Mum?” and I confirm, even though I don’t really know if that is correct. The other man, thinner faced and also bearded, says we will have to predict weather anomalies, patterns in the Midwest of the US and in Australia. He says this is because patterns in the Midwest will be hard to predict.

Good Friday, 21st March.

I’m dusting while I watch the news. There have been floods in the Midwest and people have drowned. I think it’s interesting that we’ve had torrential downpours ourselves here in Australia. I remember my dream now and find G to tell him about it and read the dream to him. I like to have witnesses.

*Anthony is an amazing medium who visited my area last year. He travels the country and occasionally offers classes. I was considering enrolling for one should he ever return.

13th April 2008, 07:22 AM
This is from Tuesday 15th January. It's just the lucid bit:

....I find Flora and she's happy to see me. I'm always happy to be with Flora. I talk about what they were doing over at my new workplace and she automatically assumes it's better than St J's. We discuss, among other things, how mothers always pray for their children. I feel I had better head back to ER (my new job/school). At this point I become lucid but I'm unsure why, perhaps because I'm on the path in my old primary school, a place I find often myself in dreams.

I'm ashamed to admit that I don't actually know what to do now I'm lucid. There's so many things I've considered doing like searching for soul fragments or attending a class. So, I choose to fly but I don't really have a destination in mind and I'm still carrying two heavy bags from the dream (this is a recurring thing but I don't give it much thought at the time). For some reason I feel I have to run before I can get air bound. I lose vision and say, "Clarity now" (always makes me think of George Costanza's "Serenity now" ) but this time it doesn't work, even when I repeat it. I wonder briefly if I'm in a lucid dream or projecting and then I become really conscious of being "in" my body. I'm afraid the dream is slipping and all I can think of is a sexual solution. I don't specify but Scott, a person I worked with as a teenager, begins to materialize in the blackness and then disappears again. I feel physical sensations of sexual pleasure but it's not exactly an enlightenment experience so I terminate it after which I slip into dreaming about 3 dogs. The number 3 figured prominently in this night's dreaming.

13th April 2008, 07:36 AM
Saturday 29th March, 2008

I'm outside Adriana's "house" (she's a friend from my school days) lying on the lawn. There seems to be a short brick fence that wasn't there when we went to school together. Her mother (who died years ago) comes out, gardening I guess. She asks what I've been doing (I've been hanging with A). Suddenly a giant milk jug forms in the sky, tilts and begins to pour a stream of milk. Now Adriana is there and I explain that this can't happen in real life so we must be in a lucid dream. I show her how we can fly and we take off.

Only....I'm not genuinely lucid: I'm merely dreaming I'm lucid. When we fly away the dream acquires a third person perspective.