View Full Version : Really strange

10th April 2008, 10:21 PM
Yesterday night, I went to bed and I kept it in my mind "Alright, I'm going to try astral projection tonight." Well usually (and I need to stop doing this) I'll listen to my iPod before I do so, but I keep dozing off everytime and so I never actually get anything done. So I had it set in my mind that night "No fooling around." To make a long story short, I didn't listen to myself and fell asleep again.

Now this is the strange part. I don't really any other part of the dream I had except for this one: I crawled into my bed and began to see a purple blob above me. It seemed like energy or something. Anyway I sort of felt a tug on my and so I remembered what I read in a guide about trying to go with the tug. My body felt heavy and I really felt like I was leaving my body. Next thing I knew, my body sort of tugged on me and I fell back down. I then woke up. Now the strange thing is, when I woke up my jaw was shaking. It wasn't even a little quiver, like one would get after a nightmare (I barely even get that). My jaw was going crazy. I'm really not sure what this was, if it was a lucid dream, a real astral projection attempt, or just a regular dream (I figured I'd post this here since it happened in a dream). This brings to me another question: is it possible to astral project while you're dreaming. I've heard that while you sleep, you're really projecting without knowing it. Well I felt like I was actually trying to project. I've never had a real experience, but this felt like I was really doing something. It just seems weird to me.

11th April 2008, 12:22 AM
Yesterday night, I went to bed and I kept it in my mind "Alright, I'm going to try astral projection tonight." Well usually (and I need to stop doing this) I'll listen to my iPod before I do so, but I keep dozing off everytime and so I never actually get anything done. So I had it set in my mind that night "No fooling around." To make a long story short, I didn't listen to myself and fell asleep again.

Now this is the strange part. I don't really any other part of the dream I had except for this one: I crawled into my bed and began to see a purple blob above me. It seemed like energy or something. Anyway I sort of felt a tug on my and so I remembered what I read in a guide about trying to go with the tug. My body felt heavy and I really felt like I was leaving my body. Next thing I knew, my body sort of tugged on me and I fell back down. I then woke up. Now the strange thing is, when I woke up my jaw was shaking. It wasn't even a little quiver, like one would get after a nightmare (I barely even get that). My jaw was going crazy. I'm really not sure what this was, if it was a lucid dream, a real astral projection attempt, or just a regular dream (I figured I'd post this here since it happened in a dream). This brings to me another question: is it possible to astral project while you're dreaming. I've heard that while you sleep, you're really projecting without knowing it. Well I felt like I was actually trying to project. I've never had a real experience, but this felt like I was really doing something. It just seems weird to me.
Hi neopeeps. Yes, it's possible to astral project out of a dream, it's one of the easiest ways to try, if you become lucid and figure out that's what's happening. My interpretation is that the purple blob was a hypnagogic hallucination, or the beginning of trance, and that you indeed had a very short low powered projection.
The jaw-quivering thing could be exit vibrations, or just some side effect of having an exciting experience that somehow caused some sort of stress in the area. Did it stop right after, or did it persist?
and any term you don't understand is probably in the AD Pedia, right on my signature.

14th April 2008, 02:32 AM
From what I can remember, my jaw was shaking for about a minute or so, maybe a little less, afterwards, and then it stopped.