View Full Version : "direct energy raising" vs "two part storage circuit"

9th April 2008, 06:15 PM
Dear Robert:

NEW-V2. Page 33 - about "Two Part storage circuit" (sponging)

If the full body circuit given above does not suit you for some reason, or if you find it too difficult, please feel free to stick with the Two Part storage circuit, as given earlier. This is a much simpler and easier circuit to do and will have the same general result, i.e., causing whole energy body development. Its more important to have some type of energy circuit that works for you than it is to follow my directions here to the letter.

"Two Part storage circuit" in NEW exclude head, energy is sponging through arms, chest, and then sub-navel. Arm and legs are sponging separately, in turns.

NEW-V2. Page 34 - about "Direct Sub-Navel Energy Raising" (river-like feeling, sucking into sub-navel)

This technique is very versatile and can be done anywhere and anytime, to take advantage of high energy areas and situations. But this should not be used to replace the full body circuit. Direct energy raising, while effective as an energy raising method, does not cover the entire energy body. This is simply a useful alternative energy raising method.
All the above actions create a strong energy demand in the Sub-Navel. Energy will be drawn into the body through the hands and feet in response to this energy demand. Again, this should not be used to replace the full body circuit, but can be very useful under certain circumstances.

In "Direct Sub-Navel Energy Raising" energy moves through the same areas as in "Two Part storage circuit" but theres no sponging - only constant river-like feeling in arms and legs at the same time (+sucking in sub-navel), so I don't understand why one is recommended and other not.
When I'm raising energy witch "Two Part storage circuit" even after 30 minutes I feel only subtle heaviness (sometimes the heaviness disappears and I don't feel nothing at all) ...but after 2 minutes (sic!) of "Direct Sub-Navel Energy Raising" my sub-navel becomes bigger, more responsive and i feel it's really FULL, even after 2 hours. Did You met with that?"

Robert Bruce
10th December 2008, 01:44 PM

What works for you may not work for others, and visa versa. Some people find the other method easier and more effective.

The energy methods I provide are logical ways to use energy. I try to give alternatives to suit a broad spectrum of people. Energy can be moved, raised, stored, in countless ways.
