View Full Version : Threatening guy

9th April 2008, 07:35 AM
Two nights ago I dreamt about being harrassed by a guy who seemed dangerous on several levels. He knew I want to move (I want to in real life) and wanted to find out where. He seemed to try blackmailing me about something in my past. I felt that he was a physical danger, possibly violent without restriction if he did not get what he wanted.

As I awoke I could not tell whether the scenario was real or not. I combed my brain whether someone actually was threatening me or had threatened me that way in my past. :?

For some strange reason I wonder if the guy in my dream represents my ego. Cannot exactly say why. Maybe the way he tried to keep hold of me - a bit of fake friendly, trying to frighten me, just an ongoing barrage of nastiness and a message of "there is no escape".

The guy reminded me somehow of this "dream":

viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9635#p74207 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9635#p74207)

Especially his attempts to frighten me and the attitude I got from him.


9th April 2008, 02:44 PM
Instead of your ego, I'd go for a shadow self. There's ways to deal with a shadow self- show it the light (bring out that aspect of yourself to light) and transmute it, or try to suppress it. If it is, it will resist and act as if you're leaving it. Does this make sense, and is there something in particular about yourself you're trying to eliminate? Talking about it to someone you trust can go a long way to transmuting it, instead of cutting it off.
Think about it.

For example, have you ever been scary to someone else?

9th April 2008, 03:09 PM
I lack real scariness. ;)

However, if you say shadow self... Hmmm. Since this character tries to reveal something or blackmail me with something, he may be related to a dissonance in my behaviour - whenever I do something that is not "correct" to a current or past moral standard of mine this somehow gets pushed away. But maybe the "bad taste" of it lingers?
