View Full Version : Maybe you can speak to this

6th April 2008, 06:14 AM
Hi -

I have been following your writings/website for years - due to my own experiences, and my search for people who have experiences like mine.

Something that I have been struggling with for as long or longer, is the expression of joy, love and the creative positive life force juxtaposed against pain, negativity, and evil in the world - the mechanism behind how either such manifestations occur, and also, the "fight" between good and evil that takes place, that manifests in or through people. It seems to me that the dynamic is related to, or is partially treated in the book of Job in how Job experiences God, how he experiences evil and how he receives the influence of his freinds/contemporaries. It is also expressed in the underlying patterns in the bible that move from being in Grace and then being in exhile or sin.

As an astral travelor, as a person who has experienced great blessing and deep loss, as someone who has received dreams, signs and experienced neg attacks - what is your understanding of the relationship, or the conversation between God and the devil - or better yet YHVH and His permutations and their Qlippoth?


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Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:44 pm
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Robert Bruce
22nd November 2008, 02:06 PM

these concerns all revolve around non dual concepts.

to consider there being a god and a devil as separate entities, oppositional monotheistic deities, is dualistic thinking.

It is easier to consider these things to be forces of nature....like electricity, wind or fire.

Hot and cold, wet and dry....everything has its opposites. The opposite of everything is of course, nothing.

While you are alive, whenever you sleep you dream. After you die, you dream. So who is this dreamer and who is the dream, and where do we fit in? Are we actually a physical person in a physical universe, or are we all a dream.

If you are a part of source, which you are, and everyone and everything else is also a part of source, then nothing can ever really die.

The image of a snake eating its tail says it all. Live consumes life and is constantly renewed. The great cycle of life.

Again, are you the dreamer or the dream?

In closing, I would like to say that some things just 'are'. We cannot understand the higher workings of the universe - the nature and complexities and purpose of good and evil - any more than a hamster can understand calculus. Such things are beyond our mortal minds. Any attempt to do so by us mortals will by this measure be extremely simplistic.

It is best to put such things as the whys of disasters and death and destruction out of your mind, and it is particularly wise to resist all attempts to label such things good or evil. For the nature of good and evil is both relative and subjective. The words 'good' and 'evil' are mortal terms. They are not absolutes.

For all we know, many of the things we call evil will in the fullness of time have positive results that far outweigh their apparent evilness. We just don't know. For example, a terrible war happens and millions die terribly. But decades later, because of this war, peace is found and many wars do not happen. Billions are spared war and suffering. The few suffered so the many could be spared...

The universe 'is'. It exists. This is the only absolute truism it is possible to utter.
