View Full Version : black light body
29th March 2008, 09:23 AM
I am researching a new thing I 'saw'. It's one of my (?our?) bodies similar in concept to a physical body or energy body, etc. The one I saw was quite distinctly mine, not a NEG, guide, or attachment. When seen in energy vision, it radiates as black colored light, not to be confused with darkness (without light), NEGS, or evil. It's shape is half way between the physical form and a sphere (like a gingerbread man). Unlike the well the known bodies which expand in a series from a common center, this one is on an orthogonal axis (around the corner) from those. This makes it very hard to see directly.
Best I can tell is has something to do with the mediation between intent and manner of manifestation. That is to say the it regulates which other bodies are affected or used to implement our intent. Its based on the idea that a 'lesson' can be learned in many ways in many different modes. This body seems to dictate for instance whether that lesson plays out in the physical or energetic bodies. Obviously there are many bodies and many combinations to choose from.
I'm looking for reference to similar concepts, encounters, or descriptions. I vaguely remember something in the Toltec stuff about something like this.
30th March 2008, 02:15 PM
Even if you don't recieve many replies keep us updated, it sounds really interesting.
4th April 2008, 02:45 PM
When seen in energy vision, it radiates as black colored light, not to be confused with darkness On his Otherwhere book, Kurt Leland describes an aspect of ourselves that is considered protective, but not 'like a guardian angel' which keeps things from happening to us, but that keeps us in the energetic level we can stay out of trouble in, and therefore keeps us (sometimes forcibly) from projecting when it's not on our best interests, or keeps us from going where we're going to get in trouble or cause trouble. He describes these as self-aspects, and if I remember correctly, describes them as 'dark' entities surrounded by light-sometimes beings of light cloaked in darkness to protect us from their own energetic power.
Perchance this is what you saw?
And yes, I agree this sounds very interesting.
5th April 2008, 04:05 AM
FYI its 'Otherwhere'
I am unable to find anything matching your reference.
Seems different than your description; In mine the light itself is black colored.
Aunt Clair
5th April 2008, 05:21 PM
Black gingerbread men remind me of the entities in the film Ghost and of negative earthbound spirits which can be seen rising up out of the floor when emotions are chaotic or when trauma has occurred . In the film "The Eye " similar shapes are seen removing the newly deceased from the area where the body remains .
But there is a Dark Watcher and a Guardian Demon which are part of each human spirit . These are not necessarily evil , these can be transmuted to being light aspects of self but they can also be protective and they can set things up to teach us . It is afterall part of us .
So these are a few things you might consider.
5th April 2008, 07:22 PM
FYI its 'Otherwhere'
I am unable to find anything matching your reference.
Seems different than your description; In mine the light itself is black colored. Ah, the reason it struck a chord with me is that (on page 46) he describes it as such: "The radiance surrounding the entity's robe and hood made me think of a total eclipse of the sun....Perhaps the function of the robe and hood was to cloak the radiance that surrounded the entity so that I could look at it. The entity's radiance might otherwise have terrified me, ...." I think your mention of colored blackness is how I related your description and this.
Nevermind, carry on....BTW, this is on Chapter 5, Aliens & Angels
7th April 2008, 10:14 AM
I encountered similar things. I don't know if they're the same, but your description definitely resonates with what I've seen... The problem is I was in deep altered states when it happens (obviously) and my perceptions weren't as sharp as in waking life... It's like a gross outline of a humanoid body, but it is not something you see with standard sight... It's halfway between a deformation that looks like light "bending" above the road on a hot summer day and actual outlines, like a flat drawn image floating in the air. "Dark colored light" does sound like it... It does have a somewhat transparent color, yet contrasts with the background. It's like an "inverse highlight" or a shadow-in-the-air.
This happened once when what I believe was a projector came into my room (after an internet argument about indigo children, lol), but also several times when projecting, where I would be in sleep paralysis and another part of me was there in the bed, in a different position.
I'd be inclined to think that it's just the projectable double witnessed from the etheric/energy body's point of view...
9th April 2008, 07:51 AM
Sounds somewhat similar.
I'm sure it was not very transparent as it blocked out the background. Its possible that is was slightly transparent as the background was rather dark also with little texture (like a night sky in the city). Its also difficult to judge the transparency of a light source.
I kind of dismissed a double as now I know where to look can always see it. Its very visible in astral sight. I haven't mastered seeing other's black bodies, but two of my friends can see mine.
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