View Full Version : Day 31 Experience

27th March 2008, 07:53 PM
hey everyone! i was just going to post my experiences on Day 31, which were real interesting. when i got to the third eye chakra while doing the chakra stimulations, the sensations and throbbing at the third eye area became extremely intense, so intense i could hardly keep my focus there anymore. it wasnt even that long until it started happening, probably almost 2 minutes and then it kicked in. i even had troubling focusing on the crown chakra afterwards since the third eye one would automatically kick in again.

and the trance work was pretty amazing, had a wave of heaviness felt like it brung my body way down, and the rope climbing down technique worked well. even though my mind felt like it was still normal (idk if that still meant i was in a trance) but when i awoke from it, i couldnt move my limbs. i thought it was just me being lazy somehow (lol) but i was actually like clenching my teeth to move my limbs, felt like they weighed a ton each.

so i was just wondering if anyone can explain to me about what my third eye experience meant, because i know that deals with the psychic parts, and if my experience with the trance meant i was actually in a trance, and how deep i was in it. thanks!!

27th March 2008, 09:48 PM
The throbbing and pulsing of your third eye are usually signs of energy getting moving inside the chakra. Energy flow in a clean state is rather sensationless, but if it hits blocks when circulating or rushing through it's like if you hit a membrane with water - it bulges and then the water splashes through, and then it bulges again, and so on. When this clears out there might actually be less sensations, but it is a good sign that you get so clear feedback that your energy work is actually beginning to clear it out, isn't it? :)

You were in a trance right enough. :)

Congrats, you are making good progress I'd say.

Take good care,