View Full Version : Lucid Dreamers long list of things to do...

Astral Exorcist
27th March 2008, 02:11 AM
Lucid Dreamers long list of things to do Entertainment list

What you see here is a compilation of 13 pages of this thread, along with a lot of tasks that people have posted in the thread your in right now.

Why did I make this?

Originally, I just made it because that topic I linked you to used to be a sticky. As you may have noticed when browsing it, the newbie that had made the topic only updated his list about three or four times.
I made this list so that a mod could go through and either sticky this topic instead, or so that someone could take what I wrote here and edit all the info into the original post.

In a bittersweet turning of events the mods all finally realized that having too many stickies was totally useless (there was like five or six stickies), this topics purpose was shattered.

Recently I began to think about how this topic could be put to better use. To learn more about that, then visit this thread.


The List:

As you can see its pretty big. I'm currently working on arranging it all into a bunch of categories, so expect that soon.

The links that you see beside some of the tasks lead to posts where one of our members tried that task in a lucid dream of theirs.
To get your experienced linked into this thread, visit this thread.

If your just looking for ideas then use this (thanks to arby):
(Notice: Newer tasks not on it)
arby's random task generator

Also just to remind you, I didn't make up hardly any of these, all I did was compile them from various sources .


1 ~ turn on lights

2 ~ fly into outer space -- (Twoshadows)

3 ~ fly through skyscrapers

4 ~ fly alongside "balls of light"

5 ~ climb mount Everest

6 ~ swing from tree to tree in a rain forest (like Tarzan)

7 ~ Your Lassie and you just don't give a damn anymore

8 ~ cross the great wall of china in a brand new sports car

9 ~ encounter Aliens

10 ~ Fight with cool weapon (ninja style)

11 ~ become evil superman

12 ~ Kill a munchkin

13 ~ You're the skipper on Gilligan's Island. The women are tied naked to trees, and Gilligan is chained like a pet next to your Throne.

14 ~ Do stand up comedy -- (Jamal)

15 ~ Terrorize a mascot during a big sporting event

16 ~ Slap president you know who
17 ~ slap a mime

18 ~ read "the funniest comic strip ever written" let your mind fill in the details

19 ~ You're the lead singer of a hard rock group, and you step up to the mic at a huge concert and sing "I've got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts"

20 ~ You are the 14th person at ‘The Last Supper’, drunk/stoned out of your tree.

21 ~ Sex in zero gravity

22 ~ Elastic limbs.

23 ~ Night Vision

24 ~ Your finger is an orgasm gun

25 ~ creating scenes from your favorite book/movie and acting them out

26 ~ walking through a mirror to the other side -- (rockinred)

27 ~ summoning a dream guide -- (Jamal)

28 ~ extending time

29 ~ Eat a MASSIVE amount of LSD.

30 ~ Visiting other worlds via "scout" technique

31 ~ Unlocking dreaming emissary

32 ~ You are a sperm racing for the egg

33 ~ You are Hugh Hefner’s glasses.

34 ~ Manifesting a telephone and calling a friend (listen attentively to what they say)

35 ~ Manifest your subconscious to become your dream guide.

36 ~ Manifest a telephone and call yourself.

37 ~ Bargaining with your subconscious mind

38 ~ ask Things will be better for both of us if we have more lucid dreams, lets work together to make it happen.

39 ~ ask What is consciousness?

40 ~ ask Is there something you’ve been trying to tell me?

41 ~ Watch a crop circle being formed

42 ~ How do they get the Caramilk into a Caramilk bar?

43 ~ Go hang out in Heaven.

44 ~ Watch a star implode on itself

45 ~ You're in the Wild West, engaged in a Poker game with Stephen Hawking.
The stakes: the entire space time continuum!

46 ~ Have dinner with Larry King

47 ~ Appear on your favorite TV talk show

48 ~ make a list of things to do in your lucid dream and take it out of your pocket once your there

49 ~ You're the captain of the Love Boat, and you've just ordered an orgy on the Lido deck.

50 ~ Get inside the fridge and close the door to see if the light really goes out.

51 ~ become an astronaut

52 ~ read DC's minds

53 ~ Destroy buildings with your mind

54 ~ Become your favorite player for your favorite team of your favorite sport in the most important game of the year.

55 ~ You are an actual Bikini Inspector

56 ~ Feed birds antacid pills and watch them explode.

57 ~ Play practical jokes on your boss.

58 ~ Play GOD.

59 ~ Play Satan

60 ~ Swim with the dolphins

61 ~ Rob a bank.

62 ~ Appear as a special guest in a Family Guy episode. (would this work? have a cartoon LD?)

63 ~ Go over Niagara Falls without a barrel.

64 ~ Fly to the moon in your bathtub.

65 ~ Outrun the cops in a high speed chase.

66 ~ Fly a stealth fighter jet.

67 ~ Take down your biggest phobia

68 ~ turn into an inanimate object

69 ~ Kill barney

70 ~ kill a teletubby

71 ~ be your subconscious

72 ~ meet your soul-mate

73 ~ try to learn a dream language

74 ~ make your real body release endorphins

75 ~ find a way to increase your IQ

76 ~ visit a memory from a past life

77 ~ meditate for at least 5 minutes non stop

78 ~ transform into your favorite real life animal

79 ~ transform into a mythical being

80 ~ run at 3x the speed of sound

81 ~ jump super high (don't fly just jump)

82 ~ be a wizard

83 ~ breathe underwater -- (Twoshadows) -- (King-Tut-Tommy)

84 ~ have sex with a mermaid

85 ~ ride a dragon

86 ~ be a dragon

87 ~ be superman

88 ~ defeat demons

89 ~ run with a pack of wolves (in wolf form)

90 ~ visit your own art show

91 ~ remove negative karma

92 ~ overcome fears

93 ~ seek guidance from Einstein and other great geniuses

94 ~ read the book of life

95 ~ perfect a real life skill

96 ~ ask your subconscious for insight on how to improve on something you do everyday

97 ~ heal yourself or others

98 ~ attain enlightenment

99 ~ be worshipped by a mass of a million people

100 ~ be tended to by several hundred naked women

101 ~ set fire to all of the oceans then fly out to space to watch it burn

102 ~ do heroin

103 ~ be Axel Rose

104 ~ visit Neptune

105 ~ unleash all your anger in a congressional meeting

106 ~ find out when in life you'll meet your soul mate

107 ~ Play with asteroids out in the vacuum of space (send one towards earth)

108 ~ look into a mirror expecting to see your minds interpretation of self

109 ~ call a friend over a dream phone expecting for a phone within their dream to ring

110 ~ create portals to other dimensions and go through

111~ grow wings

112 ~ destroy everything you see with your bare hands

113 ~ Control the elements (i.e water, fire, earth, lightning, light, darkness etc.)

114 ~ try to make your body sleep walk while you still dream

115 ~ make a genie appear and wish for your deepest desire to be fulfilled

116 ~ Summon things (Ghosts, monsters, people, animals, things, mythical creatures) -- (freefire) -- (The Jace)

117 ~ turn on a TV and watch the news

118 ~ turn on a radio and listen to a talk show

119 ~ use a computer

120 ~ go to dreamviews.com

121 ~ speak Chinese or any other language

122 ~ turn into the opposite sex

123 ~ witness a nuclear explosion

124 ~ meet an alien

125 ~ see the future

126 ~ fight yourself

127 ~ be on the front lines of WW1

128 ~ control a persons free will

129 ~ bend the reality of the dream so you stay in it for 3 days dream time

130 ~ start a riot

131 ~ stop a riot

132 ~ create a machine that puts an entire lifetime of memories into your head in an instant

133 ~ walk around in-front of people totally naked

134 ~ become a celebrity and prank people

135 ~ drive your favorite car as fast (or faster) as possible

136 ~ read a book on your favorite subject

137 ~ cook "something" then eat it

138 ~ talk to a dead relative or friend

139 ~ ask a dream character what time it is, then ask again. see if the time changed much

140 ~ have a group of DCs throw you high into the air then catch you

141 ~ get into a car accident

142 ~ drive a flying car

143 ~ ask DCs why you can fly just to see their response

144 ~ go to a club and hook up with a DC

145 ~ become spiderman

146 ~ go one the bridge of the USS enterprise and command it

147 ~ turn your hand into a fan

148 ~ kill a dragon -- (Funnel)

149 ~ get on a computer and click on the button title "self". now reprogram your habits

150 ~ ride on the back of a dinosaur

151 ~ pick a fight with your favorite superhero

152 ~ wage war against the Nazis

153 ~ personally assassinate Hitler

154 ~ become the lead character of your favorite first person shooter

155 ~ hop into the cockpit of an x-wing and blow up the deathstar

156 ~ be a pirate

157 ~ be a ninja

158 ~ be god to an alien race, watch them developed as you intervene at certain points in their history

159 ~ run in slo-mo

160 ~ talk to someone you haven't seen in years

161 ~ create the biggest natural disaster to ever hit the world (think "the day after tomorrow")

162 ~ beat down a DC with your bare hands

163 ~ Tell DCs their lives mean nothing and you could kill them at any given moment

164 ~ have a light-saber battle with Darth Vader

165 ~ have a conversation with an inanimate object

166 ~ become a fluid and evaporate and rain down to the earth

167 ~ become a bubble

168 ~ eat a massive amount of something (chocolate, rocks, carrots, etc...)

169 ~ become fire

170 ~ add extra limbs to yourself and try to make each of them as separate as your arms are now

171 ~ eat a wall

172 ~ eat a DC

173 ~ go to the underworld and become a vampire

174 ~ jack into the matrix

175 ~ skydive

176 ~ experience a nuclear explosion

177 ~ go for a swim on the surface of the sun

178 ~ shrink

179 ~ grow

180 ~ obtain x-ray vision and use it for the good of man/ perverted trickery

181 ~ become invisible

182 ~ be two separate entities at the same time

183 ~ turn on low gravity

184 ~ go to the moon

185 ~ ride the ultimate roller coaster

186 ~ lead an army into battle, conquer earth

187 ~ make yourself have more eyes, look through all of them at the same time

188 ~ kill yourself and then explore the spiritual plain

189 ~ turn into sand

190 ~ become a dinosaur and go back in time to their era

191 ~ meet the devil

192 ~ become invincible and terrorize the world

193 ~ spread your arms and glide with the winds (don't propel yourself with your mind)

194 ~ fly out to the middle of the ocean and swim as far down as possible

195 ~ talk to DCs about their marital status and how life's been going

196 ~ parachute into a tornado

197 ~ make the core of the earth rapidly expand while your on the surface

198 ~ stand on a sidewalk throwing rocks at random DCs

199 ~ escape from prison

200 ~ swallow the sun

201 ~ become as small as an atom

202 ~ set fire to a random DCs hair

203 ~ travel to the center of the earth

204 ~ jump into a TV/ computer monitor

205 ~ talk to a therapist about your problems

206 ~ explore the inside of a volcano

207 ~ visit area 51

208 ~ become a samurai

209 ~ travel the ancient world, visit Rome in its prime

210 ~ go surfing on the world biggest wave

211 ~ make every DC you see the happiest man/ woman on earth

212 ~ create balls of energy with your mind and shoot them at people

213 ~ get drunk

214 ~ get sucked into a black whole

215 ~ play your favorite instrument but make it so your a god at it

216 ~ find the end of the universe

217 ~ summon neo from the matrix and fight to the death

218 ~ your in your house and its dawn of the dead outside

219 ~ become a gladiator in medieval times

220 ~ dive into a swimming pool of warm molten chocolate. (or any gooey material you can think of)

221 ~ walk on the ceiling

222 ~ crash a plane into a building (while your in it)

223 ~ while talking to a DC randomly break out into a musical

224 ~ melt

225 ~ be unbelievably suave

226 ~ eat a pill that will make you unbelievably happy

227 ~ go into at least 10 randomly picked out houses and see what you find

228 ~ turn off all the power supplies of the entire world

229 ~ get buried alive

230 ~ find a way to make yourself more dizzy than you've ever been

231 ~ induce an OBE

232 ~ meet yourself in from 5 years from now and then yourself from 5 years ago

233 ~ be an angel

234 ~ run on water

235 ~ join the fellowship of the ring on their adventures through middle earth

236 ~ kill your subconscious

237 ~ jump over the grand canyon

238 ~ jump off the highest building you can find and see what it feels like when you hit the ground

239 ~ blow yourself up from inside

240 ~ your wanted by the CIA and they know everything

241 ~ live as a caveman in a small tribe

242 ~ have laser vision

243 ~ light the entire earth on fire

244 ~ turn random object into glass and then break them

245 ~ reverse your gravitational pull (your body repels objects)

246 ~ make the ground fall away into a bottomless pit

247 ~ talk with your pet, ask it how you could improve in treating it

248 ~ become a kung-foo master/ ninja

249 ~ become a serial killer

250 ~ visit wonderland as Alice

251 ~ become a speck of dust, when a DC breathes you in turn into 500 lbs of lead

252 ~ make yourself weigh 5 tons

253 ~ put superglue on your boss/ teachers chair

254 ~ make time pass backwards

255 ~ visit a cartoon

256 ~ save the world from a mad scientist

257 ~ get a DC to tell you a good joke

258 ~ have sex on a cloud

259 ~ see how many DCs you can hit with your car before it explodes

260 ~ make the sun go supernova

261 ~ undersea sex

262 ~ just walk around your dream looking at how DCs carry out their daily lives

263 ~ Develop insect-vision

264 ~ Blow the world's greatest bubble gum bubble - float through the sky with it

265 ~ Lay an egg

266 ~ go to your neighbors house and wreck up the place

267 ~ Fly to the moon

268 ~ visit Atlantis

269 ~ fly around inside the grand canyon

270 ~ visit Santa

271 ~ Visit the tooth fairy and join the RFAF (Royal Fairy Air Force)

272 ~ Go to the Easter Bunnies chocolate factory and start a massacre (therefore, leaving you in charge!)

273 ~ Steal Cupid's bow and arrow and shoot people with it

274 ~ Steal the flag from the Moon landing (unless they faked it!)

275 ~ Break a world record

276 ~ Eat the biggest pizza / ice-cream / chocolate bar in the world

277 ~ See what it's like being the fattest man in the world

278 ~ You've come back from the dead but theres a problem: your still in your coffin!

279 ~ kill a DC and resurrect them. Ask what it was like

280 ~ Start a shootout with some cops

281 ~ Experience one of your fondest memories... in 3rd person view

282 ~ Get inside a MechWarrior and blow ♥♥♥♥ up

283 ~ Host American Idol on a space station. When someone loses they get blasted into outer space.

284 ~ Cross the Atlantic by flying just above the water at mach 5.

285 ~ Eat nails for breakfast

286 ~ Eat the big M&M character

287 ~ Be a piece of food, travel through your own digestive system

288 ~ Jump the Great Wall of China on your skateboard

289 ~ Compete in a highspeed hover car race through a crowded futuristic city.

290 ~ Drive an invincible giant truck around a city tearing ♥♥♥♥ apart

291 ~ Cut yourself. Watch as your skin mends itself in seconds

292 ~ Be a NASCAR driver at the Daytona 500, and win

293 ~ run over yourself while driving

294 ~ implode the universe and make it big bang again

295 ~ have the best sex imaginable

296 ~ dream that you are by your bed watching yourself sleep

297 ~ in a dream go to sleep and have a lucid dream

298 ~ take a crap on the rings of Saturn

299 ~ meet the ancient gods like Zeus, Thor, Osiris, etc

300 ~ create thousands of clones of yourself. Have the lucid battle of the millennium

301 ~ explore your own body from your veins

302 ~ Walk into a tornado

303 ~ Spontaneously combust

304 ~ Be the big bang

305 ~ Fly through the sun

306 ~ become omnipotent and see everything in the universe from every possible angle

307 ~ Write and listen to your own music

308 ~ Build your dream house

309 ~ Go scuba diving

310 ~ Go wake boarding

311 ~ Go snowboarding

312 ~ Go snowmobiling

313 ~ Go parasailing

314 ~ Get a massage

315 ~ Relax in a sauna

316 ~ Draw a self-portrait

317 ~ Sit for a self-portrait

318 ~ Conduct the world's greatest fireworks extravaganza

319 ~ Go horseback riding... On water

320 ~ Become a matador

321 ~ Perform open-heart surgery

322 ~ Walk across hot coals

323 ~ Swallow a sword

324 ~ Become a snake charmer

325 ~ Watch the sunset from outer space

326 ~ Watch a supernova die out

327 ~ bungee jump off Sears Tower

328 ~ Swandive off Angel Falls

329 ~ kayak down Angel Falls

330 ~ Snowboard down Mt. Everest

331 ~ Drive a tank down the autobahn

332 ~ Drive a monster truck through a car lot

333 ~ Ride an elevator to the top of the Empire State Building; cut the cables

334 ~ Go hunting. For dinos

335 ~ Fly an F-16

336 ~ Join a SWAT team

337 ~ Take down Jack Bauer

338 ~ Rob Fort Nox

339 ~ Explore the Great Barrier Reef

340 ~ Steal the Statue of Liberty

341 ~ Wrestle an alligator

342 ~ Drive a race car across the arctic plains

343 ~ Go grave robbing in Egypt

344 ~ reanimate a mummy

345 ~ Walk amongst the Terra Cotta & bring them to life. Conquer the earth

346 ~ meet Joan of Arc

347 ~ Meet your parents when they were teens

348 ~ Rewrite history in any way you please

349 ~ Revisit your childhood as an observer

350 ~ Fight with the Spartans at Thermopylae

351 ~ Eat food not created by humans

352 ~ Witness the beginning

353 ~ Witness Armageddon

354 ~ Ask a chicken who came first

355 ~ Ask a chicken why it crossed the road

356 ~ Go tomb raiding with Lara Croft

357 ~ Ask those Maori Statues who built them

358 ~ Use Stonehenge for its intended purpose

359 ~ Witness the Northern Lights

360 ~ Hunt down Nessie

361 ~ Part the heavens

362 ~ Find out what really killed the dinosaurs

363 ~ Sail to the Bermuda Triangle

364 ~ Lead an epic naval battle

365 ~ Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

366 ~ Become a god in the Greek Pantheon

367 ~ Go on a Viking raid. Ascend to Valhalla and usurp Thor

368 ~ Battle cancer -- in person

369 ~ Fight in the American Civil War

370 ~ Fight in WWII

371 ~ Slay Dracula

372 ~ Survive an alien invasion

373 ~ Survive global warming

374 ~ Control the oceans in concert to Beethoven's 9th

375 ~ You are the Red Baron

376 ~ Make up a new season

377 ~ Blow up the moon

378 ~ Blot out the sun

379 ~ Turn the moon into cheese and eat it (yes, all of it)

380 ~ Speak in tongues

381 ~ Listen to an angelic choir singing in tongues

382 ~ Turn your hand into a gun. Shoot people

383 ~ Grow a mermaid's tail and swim

384 ~ Grow a spider monkey tail & use it

385 ~ Polymorph DCs into animals

386 ~ Turn a DCs head into a jack-o-lantern

387 ~ Walk on clouds

388 ~ Create a phoenix

389 ~ Play pool with the celestial bodies

390 ~ Redesign the stellar heavens

391 ~ Develop the Midas touch

392 ~ Develop Medusa vision

393 ~ Add your face to Mt. Rushmore

394 ~ Knock over/straighten the Leaning Tower of Piza

395 ~ Crush coal into diamonds w/ your bare hands

396 ~ Drink all the water in a water tower

397 ~ Completely flood the Earth

398 ~ Explore cyberspace

399 ~ Become someone's guardian angel

400 ~ Talk to your shadow

401 ~ swap places with your shadow

402 ~ Destroy the laws of physics

403 ~ Take the yolk out of an egg without breaking the shell

404 ~ Transmute lead into gold

405 ~ Slide down a rainbow

406 ~ Visit the Sahara and cause an oasis of paradise to rise up out of the earth

407 ~Play golf with the Epcot Dome

408 ~ Sculpt a human out of clay, then bring it to life

409 ~ Travel to a building through a telephone wire

410 ~ Become a knight of the round table

411 ~ Discover who cleans up all of Spiderman's webbing

412 ~ Lead Sauron's armies and crush the Fellowship

413 ~ Become your partner and have sex with you

414 ~ Go into a coma

415 ~ Create an invisible wall; via mimery

416 ~ Lasso the moon via mimery

417 ~ Become a vampire

418 ~ Decide which sense you value least; drop it

419 ~ Decide which sense you value most; drop it

420 ~ Beat the pulp out of the Bananaman ()

421 ~ Turn a DC's skin translucent and watch their body function

422 ~ Turn a DC into a 3-D jigsaw puzzle and reassemble them

423 ~ Shatter glass with your voice

424 ~ Live out an AXE commercial

425 ~ Tear an object in half as you walk through it (think "Constantine")

426 ~ Create a world of negative friction -- see what happens

427 ~ create your own psychedelic drug with its own effects

428 ~ Ride a hippo and slap its butt if it goes too slow

429 ~ Fly under the disk-world, and find out if Great A'Twin is a boy or girl

http://www.dreamviews.com/community/sho ... hp?t=24102 (http://www.dreamviews.com/community/showthread.php?t=24102)

3rd April 2008, 05:38 PM
SuperB List! Thanx for posting it! :D