View Full Version : passive observer

26th March 2008, 01:41 AM
I need to know what other people experience.

today I wrote several pages cataloging my dream-path over my short lifetime, and i need to know what other people experience; if it's similar or not.

some time ago, i gave up on lucid dreaming, and stopped trying to control my dreams. Long story short, I have become a passive observer to these experiences. My dreams rarely have any desire or fear, or any human emotions; nor is there any other real dream stuff such as fictional landscapes and behavior. they are just simple events, sometimes tasks, where i passively observe myself doing those realistic seeming tasks. i'm afraid to say what they are, but they are nothing at all like what i have ever done in this life or any other.

my question is: have any of you experienced anything like this? i've had frequent, lucid passive observer dreams for some years now. I know that i'm lucid because of the dream structure, which is usually the same: a voice "wakes me up" (into the dream) and asks me if i want to experience something. when i say "okay, i'll do that," the dream will begin and i'll have some minutes to explore this exotic landscape, before the dream begins and the plot is revealed, and a purpose expressed.

26th March 2008, 06:54 AM
When I dream I am always in the observer state, and on the few occasions that I'm not, I have no emotion one way or another. I don't usually have full lucid dreams, however at some level I always know I am dreaming. Perhaps that is why there is little emotion attached.

When I wake up from a dream, I write it in my journal. It is almost like watching a movie where I am the star, but I have no care as to what happens, it is just interesting to watch. I never have nightmares, although to some people they could be called that. I call them dreams because of the absence of fear.

Lately my dreams have taken place in areas familiar to me, although other people in the dream may not be. I feel as if a story is unwinding for me, but I am not yet sure where it is leading.
Just my experiences, I hope it helps.

28th March 2008, 07:37 PM
The first really strange dream I had I was a passive observer. I didnt have a body and I was a really simple being as far as thoughts and emotions go. There was a voice that talked about things in the dream and told me what was going on. I had a couple others kinda like that, sometimes I would jump between charactors in the dreams.

You know what I think? I think it is our point of consciousness, our absolute true self without any body.

28th March 2008, 09:19 PM
You know what I think? I think it is our point of consciousness, our absolute true self without any body.

that's why I posted it here. There is very, very little written about this kind of dreaming and i'm having some difficulty classifying the way these dreams happen. I know that it is a splitting of my consiousness, and part(s) of my consciousness are watching other part(s), but i really can't get a grip on the specifics. These dreams are more like mystic visions than dreams, but they are more like dreams than visions. That's kind of my logical impasse.

I feel as if a story is unwinding for me, but I am not yet sure where it is leading.

that is the same for me. My dreams started a few years ago, and they have consistently evolved from that point and have unwound a fairly elaborate plot. The curious thing for me, and my real motivation for them is that I had effectively the last dream. I mean, i think it was the last one because in it, I completed my life purpose but in doing so, had nowhere to go except to die. I didn't die, nor was there any fear or other emotions, just a sense of completion, of finality. A feeling in the dream that doesn't seem to correlate to anything happening in my life right now.

29th March 2008, 08:36 AM
I also always feel as if there is someone standing with me, although I never see them
So I am an observer being observed

29th March 2008, 10:48 AM
The first really strange dream I had I was a passive observer. I didnt have a body and I was a really simple being as far as thoughts and emotions go. There was a voice that talked about things in the dream and told me what was going on. I had a couple others kinda like that, sometimes I would jump between charactors in the dreams.

You know what I think? I think it is our point of consciousness, our absolute true self without any body.

I experienced that - in meditation. I was observing thoughts, emotions, everything that went on "within me". I was aware. I was only awareness.

Now the chatterbox that I realised was commenting "next" to me, that was describing all that stuff, all that la-di-bla about what you can see, all those commenting, rambling on and on - that was my ego. I was fairly amused about its antics. It was so - involved. I found that amusing. :D

I had another dream where I was involved in the dream and then my awareness split. I heard my wife's voice and my voice discussing the dream "in the background", on another level. I had that another time, too, shifted out totally of the actual dream and was in a ... non-space? I was so excited - "We're talking, we're talking! Telepatically!" Suddenly a robotic, electric buzz arose and the sequence ended and I woke up.


29th March 2008, 11:01 AM
that's why I posted it here. There is very, very little written about this kind of dreaming and i'm having some difficulty classifying the way these dreams happen. I know that it is a splitting of my consiousness, and part(s) of my consciousness are watching other part(s), but i really can't get a grip on the specifics. These dreams are more like mystic visions than dreams, but they are more like dreams than visions. That's kind of my logical impasse.

Somebody once told me that the awareness observer and the everyday "consciousness" exist at different vibratory frequencies. Spinning this further they exist at the same time, but you are not necessarily aware of it.

Now, I know you practice letting go - from another thread. ;) So you cultivate observing. Your mind got used to the fact of changing between frequencies, or getting aware of more than one frequency. As your mind shifts more and more to that new frequency as a default, I would expect more of this and less of the "old".


Neil Templar
29th March 2008, 01:38 PM
i recently had a dream where i was fully lucid and involved in the dream (feeling fear/excitement etc..) up until the point where i had to use "powers" (growing angel wings to beat the bad guys.)
as soon as i'd made the decision to use my powers,i became the passive observer,viewing things from a different perspective,with no thoughts in my mind.. i watched myself do exactly what had to be done.. 8)

30th March 2008, 12:35 AM
Am I awake?

that is a great signature.

Neil Templar
31st March 2008, 02:04 PM