View Full Version : How many here practice qigong?

25th March 2008, 05:51 PM
5 weeks ago I started a self study of qigong. I have not been able to find an instructor in my area (also trying to save a few bucks right now), so I am learning Zhan Zhuang Qigong from Master Lams book "The way of energy". I really like it so far. I have actually already noticed a significant improvement in my digestion and bowel issues I was having. I expect that slowly over time I will also see other health benefits.

In any case, if you are a student of qigong, I would be interested in hearing about your experience. How long you have been practicing, which form of qigong you practice, how it has helped you, etc.

25th March 2008, 06:08 PM
Since 2006.

I am doing a mixture of different Qigong practices as taught by Bruce Frantzis. It helped my body to release and clear and also helps my emotions. Both of that is ongoing, especially my body was contracted and tense like you couldn't imagine.

Currently I do a set of Dragon & Tiger every morning at least to clear out my system.


26th March 2008, 12:46 PM
Yes, my body was EXTREMELY tense from 20 years of intense weight lifting and a stressful job (and at times a stressful marriage). Once I gave up my ambition to be HUGE (as in very muscular) a lot of my tenseness went away.

I am curious to know, do you find that your qigong practice and your Energy Work (NEW) compliment each other well?

Totally different question, but do you know of any on-line resource with pictures of the different meridians? I don't want to buy yet another book right now, so I am looking for a free resource that might have some good pics of the meridians.

26th March 2008, 01:32 PM
I gave up on NEW. Not because it is not good - it is good! - but because I started to study into a different direction. More originally Eastern, more meditation-oriented. Mind you, I had energy sensations right from the start with NEW and some good successes. I just shifted focus. :)

My Qigong practice *is* my energy work. Using the mind to relieve tension. Using movement and breathing to move energy. Following energies to their resolution to relieve the body and emotions of stress. It is all a mix, but originates from my Qigong and bridges over in meditation.

I do not remember a site, but there should be some. You might find some by looking stuff up on acupuncture instead of on Qigong more easily. Acupuncture requires knowledge of the meridians, in most Qigong it is nice to know, but not mandatory.


27th March 2008, 05:28 PM
Sounds like the Tai Chi I just started. No other young guys or gals like myself that I've seen attend the classes. If only they knew how well it would help develop chi!

27th March 2008, 06:42 PM
Taiji can be wonderful. Hope you have a good teacher! :)

Take good care,