View Full Version : Kundalini - Manifesting - Spontaneous Human Combustion
24th March 2008, 03:54 AM
Dear friends,
This may be nothing but an unfortunate linking of information bits. Or may be not, so be careful.
From viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2602 ( we can extract following excerpt:
I suspect that once developed (fully medusa effect and beyond) the power of
creation may become normal. But I also suspect that some knowledge of magic
and words of power and creation would also be required. Then whatever is
imagined will appear in the physical. Basically, one transcends and gains
control over the physical environment.
If Kundalini rising symptoms include a burning sensation, although totally subjective done that’s not more but an excesive stimulation of nerve terminals done increased energy flux, this could spark a feedback process and become a real physically measurable reality done manifesting capability involved by kundalini phenomenology.
Then, question is: ¿Can we trigger an accidental selfdestroy process..?
Also, I’ve take notice of Robert Bruce’s and Aunt Clair’s posts where spinal damage is common extractable info. ¿May be have some to do Kundalini manifesting capability..?
If I wong, apologize my alarmist fashion and imagination excess...
My best regards,
24th March 2008, 02:55 PM
I do believe that a person who isn't ready and has a Kundalini experience may selfdestruct, not necessarily physically (as in the above example) but as a matter of being emotionally immature and manifesting things that are not necessarily good for them. When I was younger, I had parents who understood the manifesting capabilities of the mind, and when I was young and said stupid things (as all young people do) they always reminded me to stop creating my reality, and I learned to be a bit more careful of the things I wished for myself and others. Of course, when you get older and rebel against your parents (as most teenagers do) I stopped believing this was possible and was quite reckless with my emotions and anger and the way I directed it. I was constantly amazed at the bad things that happened to people I was mad at, and how specific some of these things were. This is when I 'got it' and went into learning metaphysics- to understand why this 'magical thinking' (in psychological terms) was actually not my imagination and why spiritual maturity has to go hand in hand with emotional maturity.
So imagine how much damage a person who isn't emotionally balanced can do who had their Kundalini raised, if it indeed does augment the immediacy of the manifestation process.
Now whether back problems can be traced Kundalini I don't know, but I think in Robert's case it was due to an accident. But truly I don't remember. (Or don't know if I ever heard the reason for the back ailment. Old age :roll: )
24th March 2008, 03:18 PM
On the topic of SHC, I was sorely disappointed a few years ago when it was shown pretty conclusively that at least some cases of apparent SHC can be fairly easily explained. Bummer. This was one of my favourite "weird things that happen" topics. I was really quite annoyed. Note that not all cases can be explained, only some (possibly a majority). That may or may not be on topic. I just wanted to comment, since SHC has long been of great fascination to me.
You know, dozens of people spontaneously combust every day. It's just not widely reported. (Note: Kudos to anyone who recognises the reference ;))
As for Kundalini, I can say that Kundalini awakening when you're not prepared for it can be... destructive. Ultimately, it will be for the good, I do believe that, but it can be quite horrific to endure a long Kundalini episode (apparently, there's something called "Kundalini Syndrome" which can take months or years to work itself out).
According to Wikipedia:
Problems have been known to occasionally arise from Kundalini rising. Summary of known problems: Death, pseudo death, psychosis, pseudo psychosis, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, sadness, suicidal thoughts, urges to self-mutilate, homicidal urges, arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), excessive masturbation, exacerbation of prior or current mental illness, insomnia, inability to hold a job, inability to talk, inability to drive, sexual pains, temporary blindness, and headaches.
Hmm. I had at least twelve of those (I won't say which twelve, though).
CFT, your thoughts on the matter are fascinating, and it sits perfectly with what I'm currently reading/learning (surprise!). When I was self-destructing (and it was that; physically it took a toll, but my ego/personality did completely disintegrate, which was quite terrifying), a lot of weird stuff was going on around me. I hadn't thought about this before, but I was probably manifesting it. Some of it was pretty awful (but I was always someone who inflicted pain and suffering on myself, I'm sorry to say), some of it was miraculous, some of it was just strange, but now that I'm sitting here reading this and writing this response, a lot of it is coming flooding back (mercifully without the attached emotional responses!) and I can see what and how I was manifesting that stuff.
Without going too much off the topic of Kundalini, I will say that some of the things I manifested were very much harmful (mostly to myself, but others, as well). Had I understood at the time... well, had I understood, a lot of things would have been different, and a lot of people, myself included, would have been spared a great deal of anguish.
I've got to go and think about this manifestation thing now. It feels like a floodgate has been opened...
7th April 2008, 03:42 AM
Hola CF..!
Si bien comprendo el inglés, me es sumamente difÃÂ♥cil expresarme en ese idioma. Por suerte tu primera lengua fue el español y tienes un manejo considerable de ambos idiomas, lo cual, es una bendición; por lo menos por cuanto a mi respecta.
I do believe that a person who isn't ready and has a Kundalini experience may selfdestruct, not necessarily physically (as in the above example) but as a matter of being emotionally immature and manifesting things that are not necessarily good for them.
Estimo (pues carezco, aún, de esa experiencia) que elevar el propio Kundalini equivale a poner a nuestra disposición un poder de manifestación inmenso, dirÃÂ♥a yó (casi) absoluto. Y, es sabido que, conforme lo dicta la sabidurÃÂ♥a popular, “el poder absoluto corrompeâ€Â. A menos que la persona cuyo Kundalini se ha elevado tenga una vida interior muy rica, a menos que esté fuertemente apartado de la vida social, a menos que sus ambiciones sean puramente espirituales, a menos que no desee otro progreso material sino aquel que el de sus semejantes, a menos que se trate de un ermitaño ó de un profesional entregado a lo que es su pasión (médico, cientÃÂ♥fico, artista), a menos que su conducta esté caracterizada por un completo desdén hacia todo afán de publicidad ó popularidad derivado de ese estado de gracia cuyo fin no puede ser sino el bien de los demás, concluyendo, ese poder “se le subirá a la cabeza†y al cabo de poco, los errores que cometa se volverán contra él. “El que siembra vientos, cosecha tempestadesâ€Â, otro refrán popular. ¿Es este razonamiento correcto, CF..?
Refiriéndome ahora a tu post (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11610 (, en el cual te cuestionabas en relación a la posibilidad de que la elevación de tu Kundalini estuviera en tu futuro cercano, la imagen de serpientes atacando (ó, al menos, asechando) a tu hijo y a tu marido, me lleva a pensar que la secuela que tal elevación tendrÃÂ♥a en la vida de tus allegados serÃÂ♥a la de trastornar su vida por cuanto se refiere a la relación entre tú y ellos; y la relación entre tú y tus compañeros de trabajo. En cierta forma (tal vez equivalente) a la transformación que sufrió El Collie ( en su vida social.
When I was younger, I had parents who understood the manifesting capabilities of the mind, and when I was young and said stupid things (as all young people do) they always reminded me to stop creating my reality, and I learned to be a bit more careful of the things I wished for myself and others. Of course, when you get older and rebel against your parents (as most teenagers do) I stopped believing this was possible and was quite reckless with my emotions and anger and the way I directed it. I was constantly amazed at the bad things that happened to people I was mad at, and how specific some of these things were.
De manera que es posible manifestar poniendo como meta, tanto el bien, como el mal.
This is when I 'got it' and went into learning metaphysics- to understand why this 'magical thinking' (in psychological terms) was actually not my imagination and why spiritual maturity has to go hand in hand with emotional maturity.
Aquel cuyo Kundalini pretende elevar debe comprender (y ello por su bien) que no es sino un engranaje minúsculo profundamente enclavado dentro de un mecanismo sumamente elaborado en el cual nada ocurre porque sÃÂ♥, sino que hay una razón para todo; y que, en definitiva, es mejor devolver bien por mal, si pone la propia supervivencia por delante.
So imagine how much damage a person who isn't emotionally balanced can do who had their Kundalini raised, if it indeed does augment the immediacy of the manifestation process.
Afortunadamente, aquellas personas (a las que se le sube el poder a la cabeza) terminan mal; valga la expresión, vÃÂ♥ctimas de ellas mismas y su carencia de visión.
Now whether back problems can be traced Kundalini I don't know, but I think in Robert's case it was due to an accident. But truly I don't remember. (Or don't know if I ever heard the reason for the back ailment. Old age :roll: )
Hmm..! Ocurre, CF, que encuentro muy llamativo que tanto Robert Bruce como Aunt Clair sufran de similares problemas en su espina.
La referencia en la cual Aunt Clair hace referencia a problemas espinales es:
viewtopic.php?f=10&t=10536&p=82588&hilit=spine#p82588 (
En efecto, allÃÂ♥ consta que:
“I don't worry about kundalini and feel it will come on its own as it should . I have had many k events and never had trouble until I injured my spine and still some events since then have been mild .â€Â
Traducido (con alguna libertad, pero con significado equivalente): “No tengo preocupaciones fundadas en la problemática Kundalini y estimo que se elevará a su tiempo. He tenido varios eventos kundalini y nunca tuve problemas hasta que dañé mi espina y aún algunos eventos desde entonces han sido suaves. “
Es decir, “nunca tuvo problemas con los eventos Kundalini hasta que (como consecuencia de ellos, parecerÃÂ♥a estar queriendo implicar) dañó su espina.â€Â
Abonando a la presunción anterior, es conocido que un trabajo de energÃÂ♥a demasiado vigoroso trae aparejados desórdenes fÃÂ♥sicos, desde que las terminales nerviosas son afectadas dada su interacción con la energÃÂ♥a “chiâ€Â; razón por la cual Robert Bruce aconseja proceder con suavidad en los primeros tiempos del trabajo encaminado al desarrollo del cuerpo de energÃÂ♥a.
Tal vez la elevación reiterada de la masiva energÃÂ♥a Kundalini, al interactuar con la estructura fÃÂ♥sica de la espina deriva en problemas no desdeñables, fuente de daños fÃÂ♥sicos considerables. Tal vez por ello Robert aconseja elevarla semana por medio. (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2602 (
When Kundalini has been more developed, eg, raised a dozen or so times (a week apart for each event is wise), and the crown becomes fully active, one will also experience the Aummmm. This is quite loud and if feels and sounds like the word 'Aummm' being said continually (one tone) by a man with a deep voice. This, I think, may be the underlaying sound (or Word) of creation.
Warning: This subject must be approached with great care and respect. This is a long term goal, a lifetimes work. Raising kundalini is a dangerous thing to do. And the less prepared and developed a person is, the more dangerous it becomes. Madness and or death can result, as can a variety of serious physical and mental disorders, if one who is unprepared does this. As said, master wake induced OBE first, as this is not only a more achievable goal, but it also helps prepare one for higher levels of energy body activation and kundalini.
Segmentos resaltados y subrayados son relevantes atento mi hipótesis relacionada con daños espinales.
************************************************** *******
Bueno, CF, confÃÂ♥o en no sobrecargarte demasiado.
7th April 2008, 04:20 PM
Angel wrote:
I think (since I haven't had the experience yet) that raising our Kundalini would put powers of manifestation in our hands that are immense, even absolute. And as common knowledge has it, 'absolute power corruptst absolutely', unless the individual is strongly unattached to social life and has a very rich interior life; unless their ambitions are purely spiritual, unless this person wants to simply improve everyone else's life and is completely unconcerned with fame or fortune, etc., the power will go to his head, and little by little his mistakes will work against him. Is this what you mean, CF?
-Sort of- I wasn't really talking about spiritual maturity, more about emotional maturity. Someone with a immature point of view can have lofty pursuits and think themselves (and others can think them to be) wise, and most of the time they can be, but something will happen that will challenge their ego, and when the ego is challenged, negative emotions can flare up, and with someone with advanced manifesting capabilities, this can be more of a problem for them.
Another problem is of consciousness or awareness. A very good person, perhaps even saintly, can have some subconscious issues that can come up which can be destructive to them. Saints who take on other's pain and have them destroy them comes to mind. These are spiritually mature, but their beliefs tell them there must be suffering so they take it upon themselves, and self destruct. So sad, because their self destruction keeps them from helping more people. That's another example I can come up with.
About your post (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11610), the image of attacking or stalking snakes in ref. to your family, it leads me to believe that the relationship between you and your family would change if you had the Kundalini change. Perhaps the change would be equivalent to wht El Collie went through ( in his social life.-That's an interesting insight and one I hadn't considered. Hmmm...
The rest of the post (about the possible relationship with Kundalini and back problems are self explanatory)
and, I can't speak to them, as I don't have the relevant information.
7th April 2008, 08:56 PM
I just took a look at El Collie's report (in the link) and even though I haven't read the whole book (it's now on my to-read list) I have reason to believe my K was awakened some time ago, as I've had most of the symptoms of K awakening (not raising, though). There were even some things that I had no idea could be connected. Fascinating!
7th April 2008, 09:41 PM
I just took a look at El Collie's report (in the link) and even though I haven't read the whole book (it's now on my to-read list) I have reason to believe my K was awakened some time ago, as I've had most of the symptoms of K awakening (not raising, though). There were even some things that I had no idea could be connected. Fascinating!
Hi CF..!
And, ¿How do you explain differences between one (awakening) and another (rising) evolution path..? ¿The one is spontaneous, while the another is at will..? ¿Is wise to wait to have a spontaneous awakening..? ¿How do you describe the set of personality and capabilities change from one state to the another one..?
By the way, sincere congratulations, you´re in the path.
7th April 2008, 10:34 PM
I'll compare, go through the list- I've had most of these, and I added comments in color indicating which ones do and don't apply to me:
in :
The following are common manifestations of the risen Kundalini:
Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.
Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body
Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations
Intense heat or cold (sometimes)
Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation, rest or sleep): jerking, tremors, shaking; Not
these: feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways. (May be
misdiagnosed as epilepsy, restless legs syndrome (RLS), or PLMD.)
Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns
Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue (some CFS victims are experiencing
Kundalini awakening)
Intensified or diminished sexual desires
Headaches, pressures within the skull
Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest
Digestive system problems
Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg) /add a crawling sensation there
Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck (Many cases of FMS are Kundalini-related.)
Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage,
Not this one: Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are as unintentional and
uncontrollable as hiccoughs
Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but
which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.
Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating- Not now but in the past.
Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences
Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the head, particularly in the crown area.
Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion
Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body experiences; pastlife memories; astral travel; direct
awareness of auras and chakras; contact with spirit guides through inner voices, dreams or visions; healing powers/ Not all at once, but througout my life.
Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.- I actually went from art to science.
Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into one's own essence; deeper understanding of spiritual truths;
exquisite awareness of one's environment (including "vibes" from others)
Enlightenment experiences: direct Knowing of a more expansive reality; transcendent awareness -Briefly, but memorable.
What I haven't had, from Robert's article: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2602 (
"When kundalini rises, it feels like a physical snake as thick as a man's
wrist forces its way up through the perenium; between anus and genitals. It
forces its way in 3.5 clockwise spiral up through the body. Ones internal
organs will be felt sloshing and moving as they are pushed out of the way,
as kundalini raises through the body, neck and head to the crown.
The internal snake phenomenon is caused by an internal manifestation of
ectoplasm. This is the only reasonable explanation.
A brilliant minds eye flash of light (like a giant camera flash) will occur
at the beginning of a kundalini raising. This leaves a feeling of mild
concussion on the face, as if one had been slapped. This is because the
whole face contains the support structure for the brow chakra, and is thus
involved with the brow center strobe. Note that the brow center strobe can
occur seperately from a kundalini event, eg, during the formation of the
vision screen of high function clairvoyance (what could be called a
Nostradamus level phenomena). Brow center strobes can also result from
various practices, including meditation and astral projection exercises. If
this happens, it indicates strong natural clairvoyance potential is present,
even if dormant and unrealized.
Normally the crown and brow will not fully activate during early kundalini
raising events. But once these activate it feels like ones skull vanishes
and from the surface of ones brain hundreds of fat, fleshy fingers, like
little snakes, are felt to appear. These feel as real as ones other fingers.
At this time, the brow fuses with the crown the one in the nose bridge, and
this new chakra structure is felt as a heavy, fleshy flap hanging down over
ones brow and bridge of nose. This feels as if ones skull (the entire area
above the hair line) has turned into a sea anenome.
These fingers (I think the eastern term is petals) respond instantly to
thought. If one things of any concept, the fingers form intricate geometric
patterns. I think this may be where mandallas come from. Note, if you read
the book 'Secret of the Golden Flower', in the commentary by Jung, he
explains that mandallas are resident in the human psyche in all races. I highly recommend this book.
Another interesting phenomenon here is that if one thinks of a living
person, these fingers form a pattern, but some also point to 'where' this
person is in the real world.
A type of near death experience will usually occur. I don't have enough data
to say for sure, but this is a reasonable observation. In my case, I was
evicted from my physical body (I think it died of shock) and, in brief, I
was examinied by three deities (or ascended masters). Two shook their heads
and retired, but the third came down and helped me. He showed me my errors
and how to rectify my problems through spiritual cleansing (not physical).
When Kundalini has been more developed, eg, raised a dozen or so times (a week apart for each event is wise), and the crown becomes fully active, one will also experience the Aummmm. This is quite loud and if feels and sounds like the word 'Aummm' being said continually (one tone) by a man with a deep voice. This, I think, may be the underlaying sound (or Word) of creation."
I have had a brow flash and tickly head phenomenon, but not strong or long lasting, so I'm pretty sure this hasn't happened for me.
But yes, I am on the path for this.
8th April 2008, 08:21 PM
Hi CF...
I’m polluting my own thread (It could be labeled as “Kundalini Risksâ€Â, not merely “Kundalini – Manifestation – Spontaneous Human Combustionâ€Â) but I’ll continue exposing my ideas (interpretation) about your dream as quoted at forum labeled “Kundalini in my near future?†(viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11610 (
Besides the understandable attitude of your near relatives (son and husband) done your awaken Kundalini and since awakening not only is related to an increase of quasi-physical symptoms (associated to strong energy flows despite any prior energy body development) but, too, an increase of intellectual proficiency (memory, IQ, intuition, creativity, etc.), I think vision of your work mates as dead person is understandable since you has evolved in work qualifications. They (the “dead†work mates) are unable to follow you done your increase in work efficiency. They (a few person) are potentially “to a leap of to be dismissedâ€Â, while (another few person) were still trying to make things work. (quote italics bold from viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11610 (
May be the image of a mountain was your effort of to teach your husband and son in order to help them in order to reach conciousness of that you went proficient (i.e.: Mastering Astral Projection and N.E.W.). Evolution path about you tell us in “My hubby did it..!†forum thread (viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9219 (
The image of a tree as symbol I cannot explain. It depends on of what a tree means for you (if it is on a mountain may be effort beyond the normal).
My best regards,
9th April 2008, 01:05 AM
That's a great interpretation. The tree could be the 'tree of life', as in Kabalistic pathworking, or path to manifestation. This would make sense to me given the things I've put in the 'back burner' for learning.
9th April 2008, 05:03 AM
Hmmm. I had a read of that list. Gee, looks really familar (most of it does). I am coming to believe that I'm working through a full-on Kundalini Syndrome, rather than just a spontaneous awakening. This has been going on for many years now. The first stages were mostly about healing my fragmented and damaged ego and exorcising years of negative emotions and energy that I had following me around. Then it was mostly quiet for a while, but a lot of physical symptoms started to bother me. Now I'm still having some physical symptoms (though, interestingly, they're nowhere near as severe as they were), but I've moved on to the visions and increased psychic activity and more expansive view of life, the universe, and everything.
I'm so deeply ready to move on from this. I accept that it was what it was and is what it is and will be what it will be, and that I needed healing and metamorphosis. Fair enough. I even asked for it (though I didn't know what I was asking for at the time). I'm grateful for it, all of it, no matter how difficult or painful or exhausting it was. And I release all resentment and all grudges and just give thanks that my request to be made over was answered. So it is.
And now, I want to move forward and leave the Kundalini Syndrome behind (but keep the spiritual presence of Kundalini, of course). It's time to be what I've become.
(Yes, that's a sort of little manifesto/prayer. I did it deliberately because I wanted to put it into manifest form in a place where it can and will be read by someone other than myself. Thank you for indulging me. ;))
9th April 2008, 02:53 PM
No no no, thank you. :wink:
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