View Full Version : Old farmer asking for help

23rd March 2008, 07:13 PM
As a means of relaxation & destressing, I've been doing basic meditation every few days for about six years. I don't know anything about astral projection, energy, chakra's etc. Anyway a few weeks ago while meditating, I was filled with enormous amount of energy. It felt like fire was coming out of the palms of my hands, then I had an serious out of body experience where I flew around the world. Don't ask me to explain it, because I can't. (FYI Im in good health, good physical shape, eat healthy and im not on any type of medication.)
Needless to say it scared the hell out of me. I've done some research and ordered the book Astral Dynamics. It seems Robert Bruce is the authority on the issue.
The problem is now I can't meditate anymore because its no longer calming, it just extremely energetic. When I try my palms and soles of my feet sweat due to an energy feeling. It's not painful, just not relaxing anymore.

Any ideas on what is going on?
How do I get control of it?

Robert Bruce
21st November 2008, 07:33 AM

you may have awakened kundalini.

I suggest you get a copy of my book, Energy Work. This will help, and explain a lot, and give solutions.

For now, I strongly suggest you follow my golden rule and cease all energy work and meditation and focus on grounding and the real world, until you feel completely normal again. Then you can return to meditation and energy work.

The above will solve any energy related problem.
