View Full Version : Flying dreams again.

23rd March 2008, 04:20 PM
I have before spoken of having dreams where i was kind of flying / floating, or defying gravity
you might call it.
But this night I had 3 different dreams all with the theme of floating / flying / hovering or othewise "ignoring gravity".

First dream was on a soccer field, just some friendly playing / training. In this dream i experienced that I somehow could
jump very high in the air hitting the ball like 20 meters above the ground and landing again like i was defying gravity.

Second dream I was practicing jumping from a very tall building, onto another building about 100 yards away, I was supposed to land on a
rectangular mark on top of the building.
Aside from the slight scare of jumping off into mid air, there was another obstacle, it seemed that the wind had something to say
in the matter of reaching the goal on the other building, I took a detour (not the straight line to the building) but landed inside
the designated marker.

Third dream was set in a gym, with ropes hanging down form the ceiling. Under one of the ropes was a gym mat with a square on it,
the exercice was aparently about running and hitting the square marker and then like a trampoline lift off into the air.
A few times i tried it casually, not hitting the square perfectly, and thus not going anywhere.
But finaly i hit it spot on and floated up into the air like there was no gravity. 5 meters up i grapped the rope and slided down again.

I've had these dream lessons about flying many times before, but never 3 in a row on the same night,
maybe I am given lectures of some kind, I am not 100% sure what they are for to be honest,
I have had astral experiences before triggered by lucid dreaming. Both an amazing 360 degree vision one and two more
"astral body" like (duplicate of earth-body ).

Maybe someone could shed some light on these dream lessons, what are they for and why?

Best regards

24th March 2008, 01:55 AM
Well, I have them all the time but in them I already know i can fly, and use the flying to get out of sticky situations- but recently I've noticed that my flying changes in response to my emotional state. If I'm feeling joyous, full of happy emotion or laugh-out loud hilarity I float, sometimes uncontrollably. So now I've wondered if flying in dreams, besides the mechanical aspect of flying, has to do with communicating emotion? No answers, just more questions.