View Full Version : Rashes from energy work ?

19th March 2008, 02:51 AM
Hey everyone i was readng an artice on astral wildlife but in the article it briefly mention rashes occuring when working with energy can anyone tell me about this?

19th March 2008, 04:15 AM
It seems really strange, even to me, but I have gotten rashes a couple times when I was doing intense energy work,then stopped. upon resuming energy work, the rashes immediately left.

I hope you find what you are looking for and post it here.

19th March 2008, 04:39 AM
Rashes occur from over taxing your energy circuit slightly. Its a kind of irritation caused by energy leaking sideways out of the energy channels (meridians). Pushing more energy usually leads to an energy block. If left alone, like most rashes will disappear on their own after a few days.

Subsequent further moderate energy work causes one of three effects:
1) extended rashes often associated with continued energy development by intermediate practitioners
2) clears an energy block and the rash goes away (probably this case)
3) increased energy carrying capability which will take higher energy levels to create future rashes, initial rash may fade slowly or quickly.

19th March 2008, 11:16 AM
Thanks guys i got a very small rash about a week on my chest alittle bit smaller the a dime I practice internal martial arts but about a week ago i also started do other prana meditations to increase my awareness of prana thats when i develope a small rash and couldnt understand were it came from since i shower like three times a day but this does help some

19th March 2008, 01:32 PM
since i shower like three times a day This could be a problem. Prolonged moisture can set up a fungal infection. I hope you are drying well between showers, and wearing loose airy clothing, preferably natural fibers.
Is the round rash like a circle? Like a ring?
Too much of a good thing and all that.

19th March 2008, 02:54 PM
CFTraveler your right that could be the cause also i pratice two hours in the morning and two hour in the after noon between the sweat and the showers that could be a reason lol i had ring worm when i wrestled in high school about ten years ago so im familiar with that .. the rash is gone already but i put hydrocortisone on it to be safe

19th March 2008, 03:12 PM
My opinion as a poster, not as Admin:
Do me a favor and don't use hydrocortisone- it actually supresses your immune system and treats nothing except the inflammation (which is a side effect.) If it's due to fungus use a miconazole (or ketoconazole) product, and if it's heat rash from irritation or allergy use either a drying agent (talc or something like that) or calamine or benadryl.
I have severe reservations about the widespread use of hydrocortisone for things that are really not helped by it, and it's use can be detrimental to anyone's health. And, if the problem is fungal or bacterial, it can probably make it worse.

19th March 2008, 06:57 PM
wow this site is great ive learned so much already I wrote down what u recomended for future reference. What ever it was seems to have already started to go away , I used hyrocortisone because when i had ring worm thats what the doc gave me but that was ten years ago . But next time i'll go get check out before i slab it on lol

7th May 2008, 12:46 PM
The nice thing about energy rashes that I've had is that they tend to leave pretty quickly... they aren't taxing on the system. Not itchy, painful, etc, fade quickly. There's kind of a distinctive feeling in your skin before an energy rash breaks, sort of a wide, "rushing water" kind of sensation.

Unless you have a major breakthrough, which I did... I had a energy rash that broke open along a heart meridian, all the way from my wrist in a line to my heart. It wasn't painful but it did take awhile to leave, but I think that was kind of a unique case.