View Full Version : Astral Bodies

18th March 2008, 03:28 AM

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on something that has been happening to me over the last few years.

Basically, a few years back I was going through a really stressful time and one night I had to walk home from work in cold wet weather (a few miles) and was rather upset. I had been interested in a certain man for a while and while I was walking home all of a sudden it was as if a man was standing in front of me I could see him although I knew he wasn't really there. And I thought "wow, you're not like J (the guy I was interested in) at all!

Over the next few years, exit my interest in J but this male energy (for lack of a better term) visited me on and off. It was like I was being visited astrally. I was concerned that I might link up psychically with someon who wasn't a nice person but more of a psychic leach (having had some of that in the past and not wanting to repeat it!) so I stopped reaching out mentally for this energy which I found I had begun to do.

So, now, recently I have not felt this energy having not been looking as I said and if I felt it come around I ignored it. But just this past week it was very very strong and clear. I could see his face, he was close up in front of me. I wasn't afraid and he "feels" very nice. I'm just not sure what or who it is. I don't know if it's a person I've known from a past life who visits me in spirit; a spirit giude; someone dropping by astrally who I don't know - if that's possible. Is there a way to find out? The energy seems to come around strongest when I am going through or about to go through a bad time - those times I see the person in my minds eye. Other times I just feel his presence.

I hope this post isn't too long. Thank you for any guidance.

Robert Bruce
16th November 2008, 11:32 AM

An interesting tale.

Given that you have had no negative effects from this spirit, and that it appears friendly to you, it is possibly the ghost of a relative. There may be other possibilities.

Spirits are best treated like people, in that if a stranger knocks on your door at night you do not give trust automatically, but take sensible precautions. Trust should always be earned and not given by default.

I suggest you get in touch with a few mediums and get a consensus opinion.

Aunt Clair would be a good place to start. She's an excellent clairvoyant. I think she's a forum member.

I would also suggest Sky, of http://www.psysky.com

Good luck. Let us know what happens.
